Fujisan Uwagiten w Kure

JaponiaFujisan Uwagiten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒737-1377 Hiroshima, Kure, Kurahashichō, 宇和木6409−1
kontakt telefon: +81 823-50-2020
strona internetowej: www.k-fujisan.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.1281284, Longitude: 132.5006022

komentarze 5

  • M K

    M K


    A locally-owned supermarket Large parking lot Amex cannot be used for card payments Touch payment is also not possible Ice cream is half price sale every day

  • J J

    J J


    When I was heading to Kurahashi Town, I forgot to buy flowers and offerings for a grave in downtown Kure, and I was in trouble, and Mr. Fujisan was there and was very helpful.

  • sa to

    sa to


    A local supermarket in Hiroshima located in the south of Kurahashi Island. Has it been at the entrance for a long time? The slide is set up. It's just an ordinary supermarket, but they sell a lot of different things🎵They have daily necessities and some clothing, so it felt bigger than the supermarkets in town. There aren't many supermarkets on the island, so I think this is an important store 🎵

  • Atsu Hama

    Atsu Hama


    I'm bothering you from time to time. The other day when I visited the place after 6pm, I noticed that there were a lot of customers. I was surprised because it was different from usual. But when I think about it, there are two Tosan stores in Ondo and two in neighboring Etajima, so Etajima is still better because of Yume Town, but Kurahashi will be in trouble if it disappears. In that sense, there is no restaurant inside the shop, and the bank ATM is a Momiji Bank mobile vehicle that is only available on certain days and times. Lately, it has been published by Umaki, which is closer to the north, but could you please invest a little more? In a contracting equilibrium, the market becomes increasingly deserted. Hiroden does not offer free access buses during the Kiyomori Festival, and isn't it a weak point that they are responsible for the local infrastructure? So I feel like it's hard to come up with new ideas.

  • Cầu Nguyễn

    Cầu Nguyễn



najbliższy Supermarket spożywczy lub

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