Fujinoki Family Dental Clinic in Hamamatsu

JapanFujinoki Family Dental Clinic



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739-4 Mikataharachō, 北区 Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 433-8105, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-437-1020
webseite: fujinokifamily.jimdo.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7811934, Longitude: 137.7171099

kommentare 5

  • 55 Y

    55 Y


  • プリンセスエム



    I visited here for my child's treatment. At first, I was sitting with the child, so she explained things to me gently and looked at my child while administering the anesthesia.When I rinsed my mouth, the child was gargling without any water leaking out, so the anesthesia was effective. I was worried that it wasn't working. As expected, when we started the treatment, it was very painful, and even though the child clearly told me, ``Doctor, it really hurts!'', I ignored him and continued the treatment, and as the child couldn't stand the pain and started to act violently, I couldn't stand the pain as a parent. When I couldn't help myself and asked, "Is the anesthesia not working?", the treatment was interrupted, his face suddenly changed and his voice changed, and I asked him if he could wait in the waiting room. he said, looking bothered. I think it's wrong for an amateur to interfere with a professional, but this change in attitude is scary. Parents are the ones who know the truth when they look at their children's expressions... After that, I watched the treatment from a small window in the waiting room, but I was traumatized by the doctor's scary voice and the assistant's overly restrained treatment. When I came out after the treatment, my cheeks were red and my lips were cut and I was shaking. When my mother was gone, the female teacher made me sleep by pulling my clothes with a scared look on my face, which made my neck hurt, and she said that she had pinched my arm twice with her fingers. Although I fully understand that they are doing this to keep children's teeth healthy, this is a typical pattern for children to dislike the dentist. Nowadays, there are few dentists that offer suppressive treatment, so I think it is better to indicate whether or not suppressive treatment is required on the medical history form. I don't understand the meaning of the explanations of strict treatment and gentle treatment. I don't know how many people are at the reception, but on the day I visited, the receptionist was quite unfriendly, and that was the moment I felt grateful for the warmth of the receptionist at my pediatric clinic. After we got back to the car, the kid asked, ``Did that person get angry when I paid?'' I want people to stop putting up signboards for clinics with such a listless attitude.

  • 香織



  • 新村隊長Q



    This time it was treatment for tartar. The staff were kind and friendly. The teacher also greeted me politely and made me feel at ease! The dental treatment was very thorough and I would like to visit the hospital again ⭐️

  • 田中映行



    The teacher responds very politely. She was soft-spoken and explained the treatment thoroughly.

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