Fujieda Surugadai Post Office in Fujieda

JapanFujieda Surugadai Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-17-70 Surugadai, Fujieda, Shizuoka 426-0077, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 54-645-2151
webseite: map.japanpost.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.8617583, Longitude: 138.2327397

kommentare 5

  • もこ



    I called after the pickup had finished for the day, and was told that the arrival would be delayed because it would be on Saturday and Sunday. So, if I pay an additional fee, can I move the arrival date forward? When I was discussing this with him, I was surprised when another person suddenly interrupted and said, ``Okay, I'll put it on! Please give me XX yen, please.'' I appreciate that you were on time for the pickup, but I would appreciate it if you could reconsider your statement. Other people felt good.

  • deborak okok

    deborak okok



  • American Graffiti

    American Graffiti


    The staff at the reception are a bit... Previously, there were only two parking spaces (and it's a very small space!), but three normal-sized parking spaces have now been secured on the north side of the post office. There is a Shizuoka Bank ATM at Toymen's Shizutetsu store, which is convenient. There were a few thugs who stopped at the supermarket parking lot to use the post office (´・_・`)

  • なんぷらー。



    ATMs are open until 8pm on weekdays!

  • なお



    It's neither good nor bad ✨ It's a female-based station and they actively promote sales to customers passing by ❗️

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