Fuji Orthopedic Surgery Hospital en Fuji

JapónFuji Orthopedic Surgery Hospital



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-5-23 Nishikichō, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0045, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 545-51-3751
sitio web: www.fujiseikei.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.15894, Longitude: 138.6795848

comentarios 5

  • エル&クー



    I brought a letter of introduction and waited for 4 hours. I made a follow-up appointment and waited for an hour. That's impossible. During rehabilitation, if the surgeon, wearing loose pants, makes one movement of his hand, three movements stop.Are you sleeping? That's impossible. Are you the doctor who decided to make your own judgment and said that since you seem to be doing well even though it's only been a week since the surgery, let's switch to rehabilitation once a week? Today was supposed to be training for a new practitioner, and his hands moved as expected. He couldn't stay asleep because he was teaching a new practitioner, so he massaged me for the entire time (I was lucky in a sense). ``I looked at the chart today, and it looks like you had a complicated fracture.'' It's impossible for me to look at the chart for the first time after my fourth rehabilitation session. After the usual unmotivated rehabilitation, I went to the checkout. Is it 1000 yen more expensive than usual? Come to think of it, when I looked at the receipt that said "Please sign this" before rehabilitation, it looked like a rehabilitation plan... It was written in a clerical manner without any explanation. That piece of paper costs 1000 yen. Please explain properly. That's impossible.

  • ziziあーる



    I had numbness in my hands after cervical spine surgery, and was advised to undergo elbow surgery six months ago. At that time, I was told that it wouldn't get worse, but that it might stay the same, so of course I went ahead, but it got worse than before, and now I'm in a situation where I can't even be recognized as a work-related accident, and I'm worried about what to do next.The engineer's life is also ended, which is the worst. The situation... What I can't forgive is that I had the surgery because I could have been discharged from the hospital overnight with local anesthesia, but even though I had an assistant working with me during the surgery, I started to feel anxious as they were talking nonsense (outside of work) during the surgery. Of course they won't admit that the surgery was a failure, and I don't feel any sincerity from the hospital.

  • あむ



    I recently had surgery in the hospital for a hand injury, and the hospital was spacious and clean, and the reception, nurses, and other staff were all wonderful. Above all, the teacher who specializes in hands and the rehabilitation occupational therapist are the most wonderful. This is the best hospital I've ever been to. I wonder if there is a hospital of this size and quality in other parts of Japan that only specializes in orthopedic surgery. This is the pride of Fuji City.

  • Nihoniti Fujisan

    Nihoniti Fujisan


    Visiting hours are different from the hospital information pamphlet. It opens at 8:00 on Saturdays, Sundays, and public holidays, but even now that we have moved to Category 5 due to the coronavirus pandemic, it still opens at 10:00 on weekdays, which caused me to be stuck. The nursing care rehabilitation nurses are kind and polite, but when you take a bath, this is hot water, this is water, and you can wash yourself, right? I was told that a nurse would be there in 15 minutes and told me it was time to wash and leave the elderly person alone. The food doesn't taste good, and I'm disappointed that hospitalization and other medical expenses are only paid in cash. As expected, the rating is 2.2 (lol) I was surprised (lol)

  • C. C.

    C. C.


    One of my family had to undergo surgery. Soon the doctor said to her, “why don’t you go to see another clinic?” The docto has no empathy for who is extremely old(over 80) and has a cold heart. What kind of doctor is he? I never ever recommend this messed up place anyone. The Seirei hospital treat is much much better. God bless his ruthless heart.

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