Fuji City Central Hospital in Fuji

JapanFuji City Central Hospital


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50 Takashimacho, Fuji, Shizuoka 417-0048, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 545-52-1131
webseite: byoin.city.fuji.shizuoka.jp
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Latitude: 35.158321, Longitude: 138.670807

kommentare 5

  • もちづき



    I was transferred from a private hospital and gave birth. When I first visited the doctor, even though I had a referral letter, the waiting time was so long that it took 4 hours and I was exhausted. During the birth, I was always given positive words and the birth went smoothly. I expected the rice to be simple, so I got over it with furikake. We'll be sharing the same room the next day, so if I'm having a hard time, I'll take care of the baby and let her sleep. To be honest, I didn't want to give birth in a general hospital, but I'm grateful that I was able to leave the hospital safely thanks to the support of kind people. Best of all, it’s cheap! (LOL) It was about 310,000 yen for a large room, vaginal passage, and accelerator, so I saved up the extra money after giving birth (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠)

  • 僕の贈り物



    He was in charge today. Dr. K, a female internal medicine doctor Thank you very much for your help for a really long time. I am busy and have a hard time every day. Don't ignore the selfishness and tiredness that are unique to the elderly. Please join me, I was very happy. Even just going to the hospital makes me anxious. It's refreshing to go home today I felt like going home.

  • S O

    S O


    I've been coming here since I was an outpatient. The doctors and nurses were very kind and listened to what I didn't understand and what I was worried about as they prepared for my birth. My water broke before I could schedule a caesarean section, so I had to give birth via emergency caesarean section. I was very nervous because it happened so suddenly, but everyone treated me kindly and talked to me a lot during the surgery, which eased my nervousness. Shortly after giving birth, the mother and baby will be placed in the same room. We will teach you how to breastfeed, feed milk, and bathe your baby, so that you can raise your child with peace of mind even after you are discharged from the hospital. During my stay in the hospital, I felt the kindness of the midwives and nurses. I thought it was a good idea to give birth here. Thank you everyone.

  • 加藤雅敬



    My father, who had contracted the coronavirus due to an in-hospital infection, came home bedridden after walking to the hospital, and when he was discharged from the hospital, he said that he had opened the oxygen cylinder even though it wasn't open, so he was on the verge of hypoxia. In addition to the fact that I was given a diaper of a different size than the one I had purchased and was forced to purchase (of course I didn't get back the money I paid for the original diaper), I received a phone call while I was driving. Even though I told him that I was driving, he continued to talk about drugs. Judging from these facts, I can only say that it is an incredible hospital where there are fewer decent people. The biggest misfortune is that Fuji has no other large-scale medical institution.

  • k m

    k m


    I was planning to transfer to the obstetrics and gynecology department and then return to a private hospital to give birth, but in the end, I decided to give birth here because if something happened during the birth, I would be brought here. At first, I thought it was cold compared to private hospitals, but I got used to it every time I went there. However, this can't be helped, but depending on the day it gets very crowded, so sometimes I had to wait half a day and it was boring. (The teacher was efficient and the bill took a long time.) Also, there is no 4D Echo. The total cost of childbirth was around 390,000 yen for natural childbirth and stimulants, which I was very satisfied with. I think it's probably because the length of hospitalization was one day shorter due to the coronavirus. After giving birth, my husband had to work consecutive days the next day, so I wasn't planning on seeing him while he was in the hospital, but 10 minutes before my doctor was born? Around that time, my husband contacted me and let me see him right after I gave birth. It was a valuable experience to be able to see my newborn child. I really appreciate it. To be honest, I had the impression that the teacher in charge was fast-talking and cold, so I was surprised that he contacted me. (I'm really sorry) The food can't be described as luxurious, but the food is prepared by someone. Everything is delicious now. However, it will be more delicious if you bring some furikake with you. There will also be snacks. There is a convenience store on the first floor, so I bought some things I liked there. I don't think it's possible, but...When I couldn't move after giving birth, a busy nurse bought me a drink for me. Thank you very much for helping me. There are only negative reviews, so I'm posting this in hopes that it will be helpful to someone.

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