福岡銀行 南ヶ丘支店 en Onojo

Japón福岡銀行 南ヶ丘支店



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-22 Minamigaoka, Onojo, Fukuoka 816-0964, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-596-5951
sitio web: www.fukuokabank.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.5042077, Longitude: 130.4808948

comentarios 5

  • アッキー



    I know they're not bad people, but I don't get the impression that there are that many bank employees, but even now that the coronavirus has calmed down, I still feel like I have to make an appointment to get a new bankbook or change my name, and I get a lot of unpleasant looks. Ta. I really don't want to go. Paid parking lots are also difficult to enter and exit. I'm also concerned about time. Do I have to research it and make a phone call? In that case, tell them that instead of a boring commercial. I have no intention of making it my main bank. I wish the Western Bank had concierges at the counters to help customers who were having trouble. If you don't know unless you ask someone, you shouldn't go there.

  • 猫大好き



    I wonder what I can't say it well. I have been using Fukugin for a long time. Maybe everyone is running out of time to complete their work. The people at the counter at this store have smiles on their faces, but I wonder if most of them are very approachable or have a cold atmosphere? That's my impression Also, there are various restrictions such as money transfer, which is a hassle. When I went to open an account for my eldest son's part-time job. If you don't make a reservation, they won't be able to make it right away. I don't know if it was requested as a minor because I had just graduated from high school, but I was asked for a maternal and child health handbook. When my second son opened an account at Nishi-Nippon City Bank, they were more accommodating. The transfer instructions are very thorough, but the parking lot is not great. If you want a friendly store in Minamigaoka, Nishi-Nippon City Bank might be better.

  • 茂樹



    I brought my baby there and they were very accommodating. Branch manager? Shall I also hold someone who looks like this? The female bank employee who answered the call was very kind, typing on her tablet for me without making a disgusted face, and hurried!

  • あつあつあんぽんた



    The bank employee was cute

  • k t

    k t


    The service is very kind and the atmosphere is peaceful. Easy to discuss even small matters. There is also an affiliated parking lot nearby (30 minutes free) which is convenient.

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