フードコート 富士川SA 下り in Fuji

Japanフードコート 富士川SA 下り



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒421-3305 Shizuoka, Fuji, Iwabuchi, 字舟山1224番地
kontakte telefon: +81 545-81-0750
webseite: sapa.c-nexco.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.1586337, Longitude: 138.6202805

kommentare 5

  • おーたうーち



    Abura soba and half fried rice. Abura soba is delicious. The rice in the fried rice was too hard.

  • Reiko Naka

    Reiko Naka


    We stopped here for lunch break on the way to Tokyo. I think this is one of the best service areas along Tomei express way. The food court is great. They have amazing selection of foods, and their eating area is facing to Mt. Fuji. If you are lucky, you can enjoy good view.

  • 鉄剣忍



    Unfortunately, it was cloudy on the day I went, so I couldn't see Mt. Fuji. There was a 7-Eleven and a souvenir shop in the small food court. I had lunch here, and it was nothing special.

  • Trabajo de Medicina

    Trabajo de Medicina


    Very good place. Especially, Starbucks gives excellent view in addition to food they offer 😀

  • Angelic Cosmos Mio Channel

    Angelic Cosmos Mio Channel


    This is a restaurant where you can relax while looking at the wonderful view of Mt. Fuji. ^^ The kids corner was currently canceled due to the coronavirus. There is a proper nursing room. The chairs and sofa seats are comfortable. The ramen soup was delicious. ^^

nächste Restaurant

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