Fresta Higashiyamamoto en Hiroshima

JapónFresta Higashiyamamoto



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-7-8 Yamamoto, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0137, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-871-1100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.4382401, Longitude: 132.4548882

comentarios 5

  • Kuni O (Kuni)

    Kuni O (Kuni)


    The deluxe seaweed bento box comes with a daily (day of the week?) side dish and is a great value at 495 yen. Full of fried chicken, side dishes, pizza, etc. You can eat right at the table, which also has a microwave.

  • 久保裕治



    The store has plenty of parking and is easy to use. Mr. Munekane, the store manager, has taken the initiative and worked extremely hard since the store opened. I'm always impressed. Liquors! The staff is very nice and I use them often. This is my favorite supermarket. No, really.

  • 岡田



    The store has been renovated and is clean, and there are days when products and vegetables are cheap on a monthly basis. The vegetables, meat, and fish all look fresh! I like that there are products that are only available at Fresta.

  • Jason M

    Jason M


    The biggest fresta in the area. Always has a great selection of products, not to mention a dedicated liquor shop near the inner entrance! Fresta's selection of meats and fresh produce has almost never disappointed (only when they ran out of what I wanted!). Staff is very helpful and knowledgeable too. On the first floor, they also have several other shops connected such as a cake shop, flower shop, dry cleaners, and more! They definitely had convenience in mind.

  • David Carrillo

    David Carrillo


    Fresta is my favorite grocery chain in Hiroshima. Prices are s little more bit the selection and quality is great. This store is no exception. Parking is s little limited. Additional parking on the roof. Fervent foreign food selection.

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