Foodaly Akae Shop w Miyazaki

JaponiaFoodaly Akae Shop



🕗 godziny otwarcia

290-1 Tsunehisa, Miyazaki, 880-0916, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 985-54-2681
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 31.8874485, Longitude: 131.4305022

komentarze 5




    There were fewer items than other food deli stores, so I couldn't find what I wanted. We have more than enough things you need for everyday life. Yogurt and coffee beans may be limited in number.

  • AZN



    I think it's great for a supermarket just because you can buy Suzunoya Ryokan's ``Fisherman's Don Sauce'' pickled bonito. Now, just pickle the bonito and sprinkle plenty of chopped ginger and green onion to make [Devil's Pickled Bonito]. yes winner

  • バーダックva-dakk



    I use it often, but every time they sell local chicken in front of the store? I always look at them because they're talking so loud and they're either bored or on their phones and have no intention of serving customers.I don't feel like buying, so I just ignore them.On the other hand, the staff selling Mexicali was so motivated and friendly that I ended up buying it. It was so delicious!

  • 益山大樹



    I guess I only go about 2 or 3 times a year. The parking lot is huge! The fresh fish, meat, and vegetables look beautiful. The sales floor is displayed well! For some reason I don't feel like buying it ❗️ Drinking water is abundant and cheap. I skipped the side dishes!

  • Erik Bond

    Erik Bond


    Some good items, especially for the foreigner missing certain ingredients. Prices are high, though, and selection is inconsistent. Be careful buying items from the deli. I got a sandwich (see picture) that was not cheap. Fresh focaccia, a ridiculous amount of lettuce (half a head), one tomato slice, lots of onion, and a single, tiny, folded slice of ham. The ham was poking out the side of the bread to look appealing, but it was the only piece of meat on the entire sandwich. Not even enough for a cracker. Very deceptive.

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