Food Market Mom Sinohara (supermarket) en Hamamatsu

JapónFood Market Mom Sinohara (supermarket)



🕗 horarios

2535 Magōrichō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 431-0203, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 53-596-4129
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6826037, Longitude: 137.6275271

comentarios 5

  • はななは



    When I received customer service at the cash register, I felt that the clerk had a bad feeling. I also heard some sarcasm, which made me very uncomfortable. It seemed like the store staff didn't have enough knowledge about campaigns, and I had a sense of distrust.

  • チンコロ財閥



    It's best not to buy the beef shoulder loin steaks served at this supermarket...maybe because the meat is handled poorly, bacteria are breeding, and even within the expiry date, it smells quite sour, and when you turn it over, the meat is dark and dark. When I tried grilling it and eating it, I got severe diarrhea. It's not even a discounted product, so I would like it to be managed more carefully.

  • 潮見真実



    Visited the store for the first time to buy camping supplies. The price seems neither particularly cheap nor expensive. However, the eel for 1980 yen is exquisite! Are you a little excited? I bought this on a whim, but it was a great decision. Also, the side dish sushi and grilled pork were delicious. The grilled pork is especially recommended. It's thick and tastes delicious. Please do try that out. There's a Daiso store and a clothing store, so it's probably a convenient store for people in the neighborhood. wasn't about the store, it was probably because the Daiso staff inside the store was in a bad mood or because the bugs were in the wrong place (synonyms).It was very unpleasant and made me feel bad. Well, if you have a chance to camp in this area. I will use it again (other than Daiso) Due to Daiso, the rating is less stars.

  • Jesse Faune

    Jesse Faune


    I always shop here for groceries and other stuff. Nice and cheaper😊

  • Sakura chan

    Sakura chan


    On average, it's more expensive than other supermarkets. There are some great value products, but the way the price list is written, the size of the font, and the color are difficult to read.

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