Food D 365 Hiraoka Shop w Sapporo

JaponiaFood D 365 Hiraoka Shop



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3-chōme-9-1 Hiraoka 2 Jō, Kiyota Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 004-0872, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-887-1155
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 42.9973436, Longitude: 141.4506952

komentarze 5

  • 竹浦梅四郎 物

    竹浦梅四郎 物


    Supermarket Food D with roots in Tomakomai Food D Group has several stores in Sapporo, but most of them are in Kiyota Ward and Atsubetsu Ward, which are relatively close to Tomakomai. · ___🐟Food D Hiraoka Shokusaikan🥩___ · Although it is categorized as a supermarket, it is nice that the staff at the sales floor can give you various advice, just like in a face-to-face store at a private store in a shopping district. It has the benefits of a federated market♪ Especially fresh fish, and depending on the timing, you can get rare ingredients♪ This time I bought Atka mackerel from Rausu, and last time I bought the much-talked-about giant snow crab (it was alive), striped shrimp from the Sea of ​​Japan side that can be eaten raw, and Matsukawa sashimi, and it was super cheap! We even have some rare shrimp! There's a lot of attention to detail in the meat corner! Super thickly sliced ​​mutton, big hamburgers, etc. We have a lot of maniac products, so there are a lot of male customers♪ Added June 2024 Well, let's get to the story first, but I found Hanasaki crab on sale for just under 400 yen per cup, so I bought it as a side dish for an evening drink♪ Although the amount is not so good, I can enjoy it enough for daily use, so I give it a ◯♪

  • でんでん



    When I went shopping in the evening, three of the items on the flyer were sold out!They must have been limited edition. No comments are displayed, just a feeling of disbelief. I can't help but think that the quantity was not prepared from the beginning.

  • 岡浩(こうちん)



    Easy to buy. A great part of remembering old customers? I have an older sister. Even though I moved there and stood there for many years. But if you see people like this at the store, you'll want to stop by when you get close. Customer Satisfaction 😉

  • まりめっ子



    Some vegetables are not very fresh. The inside of the okra was black, and half of the bag of potatoes had black spots that were so black that they were inedible even after peeling them...I ended up giving up one dish for dinner...and it was a hassle to return them. I think it is necessary to check not only the appearance but also the condition inside. The freshness of the fish is good.

  • Garden Exterior

    Garden Exterior


    There is a large parking lot on the rooftop of the store. There was also a North Pacific Bank ATM.

najbliższy Supermarket

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