First Cabin Akihabara w Chiyoda-ku

JaponiaFirst Cabin Akihabara


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Japan, 〒101-0025 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Kanda Sakumachō, 3 Chome−3丁目38
kontakt telefon: +81 3-6240-9798
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.6977025, Longitude: 139.7771489

komentarze 5

  • Fernando Tadao ito

    Fernando Tadao ito


    Comfortable for both body and wallet, has a spa and great amenities for passing travelers. Location is excellent.

  • en

    J Pro


    Quiet hostel with private cubicles. Everything was clean, nice showers with gels etc. You also get a pajamas. There are vending machines for everything and also you can order modest but filling breakfast. There is also a small spa area. Giving 4 because we stayed in a very similar capsule hotel with adjustable bed, more storage space and bigger showers.

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    Ever wanted to experience 'First Class' flights? Were you hesitating because of the 'meh' reviews you heard from your affluent friends? Were you tired of sleeping in capsule inns that costed about 3000-4000 yen a night but having to listen to the guy in the next capsule farting or shuffling around all night? Were you sick of sleeping in 'Guest Houses' where the owner spoke absolutely no English and you were crammed into a small room with 20 other guys from all over the world? Did you have complaints about the hygiene of other capsule inns or cheap motels and/or the air conditioning thereof? Now you can try out being in a 'First Class' flight yourself. All of these problems... all of your curiosity about the 'First Class' cabins... are addressed in this accommodation. Yes, that's right: First Cabin Akihabara is there to give you(well, perhaps not the night of your lifetime, but...) what you've always wanted to experience: A first class-cabin-like room at a great location, with some serious hygiene and a welcoming staff. It is conveniently located near Akihabara Station which is, in turn, within spitting distance of Tokyo Station, and boasts excellent service that will make you feel as if you are in a five-star hotel for a budget price. Some of the other points I liked about this place: - There is no price variation between days of the week. I mean, if you use a Japanese domestic reservation service like Yahoo! Travel or Ikkyu, most hotels have cheaper rooms on Sunday/Monday nights and expensive rooms on Friday/Saturday nights. No such 'tricks' with this hotel. - I briefly mentioned this but their hygiene is outstanding. They are quite serious about using ethanol to disinfect everything they use. Ethanol is dirt cheap, but kills almost everything including bacteria and encapsulated virus. Okay maybe not as effective with fungi but those shouldn't be here in the first place IMO. Trust me, I have experience in microbiology... - Some of the Japanese people are talking about this, but capsule inns usually place one capsule above another so if you are sensitive you will be awoken every hour or so by the other guys shuffling in adjacent capsules. That cannot happen here because they didn't place capsule above capsule! This slightly drove up their price but so what? It has made their facility that much more comfortable. - The exterior of the hotel is cool. Very cool. With a deep blue glow at night. You can take a great photograph here, although I agree that you don't need to sleep here to do that. The only downside of this accommodation will be that it will never take off(and actually that it is near the Showa-dori exit of Akihabara Station, where no tourist actually ever goes). Oh, and while you can't help it as actual airplanes don't have those yet either, it'd be cool to have a convenience store somewhere on the first floor... or at least in the vicinity... the closest convenience store at this point is the 7/11 about a block away. I guess it's about the distance from an airport terminal to the actual plane, but... I liked this place. The 'First Class' cabin at 4900 yen is worth every penny it costs. I had a chance to look at some of the 'Business Class' capsules as well as I walked by, and they looked much better than normal capsule inns, too. At 3500 yen? Yes please. I would recommend the 'First Class' over 'Business Class' if you are not a student anymore and that short on money, but if you're on a budget I think the Business Class should work for any businessman, too. Why didn't I give it five stars? As I already said, because it does not take off! :)

  • en

    Andrew B


    For a foreigner not used to capsule style hotels, this is the perfect place to start. Staff have excellent English, the capsules are more like small rooms and the amount of free amenities is amazing. Plus, they even have a hot tub for soaking after a long day. Add to this the extensive range of items in the vending machines, and it is possible to spend your entire time without leaving the hotel (not that you should; Akihabara is right around the corner)! Great rates, a million local eateries, hard to do better.

  • Tobias K.

    Tobias K.


    Attention!! 3stars because the bed is really a hard piece of wood. Mattress is as hard a bare floor. No jokes. I think it because asian people are used to sleep on the ground. For every non-asian person: Take care. Its really uncomfortable. We've been in the "FIRST" CABIN. Me and my wife on seperated floors, which makes sense. At the end of the day its a very nice, cheap capsule hotel. Clean. Modern. Quite. Friendly. So if you can live with the extreme hard mattress its a good choice for low budget. Cabins are not 100% closed. You can purchase drinks, ice cream, beer and soups from a vending machine. Price is good. They offer a public PC. 100yen for 10min.

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