フェルマータ in Niigata




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒950-0973 Niigata, Chuo Ward, Kamiōmi, 2-chōme−92−1
kontakte telefon: +81 25-290-7227
webseite: fermata-cafe.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.9008093, Longitude: 139.0378266

kommentare 5

  • ハルタロウ



    It's probably been a few years since I last visited. This time, two people took advantage of the relaxed dinner course. The prices are a little high at this restaurant, but you can get a large serving of pasta. Including dessert, I was full. The pasta with basil sauce was delicious, of course. Genovese, which I used to love, is on the menu. It was gone and I wanted to try it again. However, the atmosphere of the store is good and the customer service is polite. I would like to come again.

  • カズくん(レオ太)



    Grilled curry, no-bake curry topped with warm egg A shop with delicious hot sandwiches

  • タムタム



    This is a sister store of Mayfair, a British tea salon near Furumachi. This store is larger than the Mayfair store in the city, and has free parking. Not only does it serve afternoon tea, but it also serves pasta, making it a very popular restaurant among women. Classical music is played and you can spend a relaxing time here, so I would definitely use it again.

  • May Shellie

    May Shellie


    The price is high!! Only celebrities can go (lol) I guess they use good ingredients, but overall it has no taste and only tastes like the ingredients. The first time I ate non-sweet oshiruko💦 Is it a modern trend? I'm not a celebrity so I don't know 🙄 My daughter also left her favorite gateau chocolate for the first time💦 I took the rest...😅 I think it's a nice shop... I feel like we probably have ramen 🍜 in our house after all 😂

  • うん



    My family of four visited Fermata Cafe on Saturday. This is my first time visiting you. I entered the store around 11:30 and was able to take a seat. After that, more and more customers started coming in, and I realized how popular this restaurant was. I ate pancakes and parfait. It was delicious. By the time we got back, it was full of people waiting. I think it's a store you want to go to even if you wait.

nächste Cafe

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