Famiyu Dental Clinic w Eniwa

JaponiaFamiyu Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

7-chōme-9-9 Koganeminami, Eniwa, Hokkaido 061-1409, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 123-33-9944
strona internetowej: www.famille-medical.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 42.8879664, Longitude: 141.6020299

komentarze 5

  • ęµ·å¶‹å¤§åœ°



    There are quite a lot of reservations, but my arms and machines are good, so the anesthesia injection didn't hurt at all. However, the majority of patients were women and children, and it was difficult to sit down until they were seen, so they had to stand and wait. It may be difficult for men to stay here. Next time, I'll go right around the time of my reservation. Also, since there was no voice guidance during the treatment, I had to speak up when I reached my limit. It seems that you can also use a minor insurance card. It seemed like you could use cards too. ))Additional update I've been there a few times, but honestly I won't be going again. In the end, I was treated without proper explanation, Apparently he was undergoing root treatment, even though he was filled with medicine and covered with a dressing. The first time, the covering came off, The second time, perhaps due to the pain or from clenching my teeth due to illness, the covering broke a little. I went on days other than my reservation several times, but When I asked how long it would take, I was told that for some people it can be completed in a month, but for others it can take up to six months. The pain has gotten worse since the beginning, and I can't sleep unless I take more than my daily allowance of painkillers. I had doubts about the treatment, When I went to another dentist for a second opinion, it was discovered that there was an area that had not been properly treated, and that was causing the pain and tingling, so I had that area treated, and it has been about 3 days now. The pain is almost gone. Also, on the day of the reservation, the crowds were completely different depending on the time of day and day of the week. Sometimes there were only three people in the waiting room, There were so many patients that I wondered if I could sit, and even though I had made a reservation, I waited for nearly 20 minutes and the treatment only lasted about 5 minutes. Even when there were not that many patients, there was no proper explanation. There was no explanation at all unless I asked. Also, even if I made a reservation, I was told before I made the reservation that I might have to wait because it would be busy that day. I don't know what criteria they use to make reservations, but I don't understand why they would go out of their way to make a reservation on a busy day. I received a reply from the owner, and I think there are things that can't be done right away, but there are things that can be done if you want to, but at least nothing seems to have changed. They do not follow their motto of providing equal treatment to people of all ages, men and women, and whether or not they have a disability, nor do they provide informed consent (patients are given explanations and understanding during treatment). It may be a bad thing to say, but it seems like they are simply increasing their turnover rate and making profits. If we do something like that, I think that someday, like a certain dentist in front of Megumino Station, trust will fall and it will come back to the owner. You should know that once you lose trust, it is impossible to regain it. In the past, although I am not a dentist, I have posted an actual case where the response at a certain hospital was very poor, and the staff at that hospital were determined to make improvements and provide support to patients, including myself. I was asked to delete a review after declaring a promise to do so, and the review was actually implemented properly and provided improvements and support, so I deleted and corrected the review. However, although I received a reply from the owner, he has not taken any action, so I do not know what will happen in the future. Also, I think some people are reluctant to go to another dentist once they have visited the dentist, but like other illnesses, there are cases where the diagnosis can be made at another hospital. If you have been coming to the dentist for a long time but are unable to complete your treatment, or if you have questions about the treatment, please consider visiting another dentist. There are many dentists in Eniwa, so I think there is one that suits you.

  • ć¼ć®ćƒć‚§



    The receptionist and assistants are kind. The teacher may look funky, but he is very kind and gives detailed explanations. It was good. This time, I visited the dentist as a child, and the dentist was very kind, letting me watch anime for my child.

  • 長山ēæ”ē؀



    I would appreciate it if you could respond to my urgent medical needs. In addition to that, the teachers and staff are excellent. However, I was disappointed that the receptionist at the counter was not very responsive and blunt, and that she interrupted patients when they were talking when making reservations. Also, I didn't know where the doctor was making me come in multiple times for what was supposed to be a one-time visit, and even when I asked, they couldn't tell me. Since I am taking the time to come to the hospital, I would like you to give me a thorough explanation. Other than that, the atmosphere inside the clinic is clean and bright, and I am satisfied.

  • 恕恋悂ćØ悊悇恆



    I had my wisdom teeth removed here, which would normally require hospitalization. I had to take painkillers, but I'm satisfied because there was no swelling like I had imagined. He is a good teacher who clearly tells me what to do.

  • ę¾ē”°ē“”äø€éƒŽ



    He is very kind and polite, and will explain anything you don't understand, and will kindly give you advice. They were very careful about cleanliness and most of the items were disposable. I had my teeth cleaned today, and the brush used in the machine was also disposable.

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