F Sunny Yoshimi in Shimonoseki

JapanF Sunny Yoshimi



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-11-20 Yoshimihonmachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 759-6531, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 83-286-7421
webseite: www.gyomusuper.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.0659181, Longitude: 130.9053026

kommentare 5

  • リトルトゥース



    The lunch box is so delicious! I go here often! Sweet breads and sweets are also cheap, so they come in handy! There are no supermarkets nearby, so you can shop here 😜 Everyone, please go shopping and check it out ~☺️

  • Life 7

    Life 7


    I'm saying the selection is poor, but I think it's not as many as in the city, but considering it's in the countryside, there's a good variety.There are quite a few customers, and we visit often, and there are sweets from overseas, too. It's fun to walk around. We also sell fresh meat and fish.




    When I opened the chives I bought around noon and tried to cook them on the same day, the roots were melting and the smell was terrible. I could smell it even from a distance of about 3 meters, so I'm pretty sure it was rotten. This is not the first time I have purchased chives from this store, so I fully understand that they are not of this quality, but I wish they would pay more attention to quality control. It's a shame as this is a store I frequent frequently.

  • コケこっこ



    It's a small supermarket, but it has local fish and domestic meat, so I think it's convenient and reasonable.

  • ゆっき〜



    June is the season for pickled plums and pickled rakkyo, so I couldn't help but buy some 🎵🎵 I don't know of any other canned mackerel that is currently popular for less than 100 yen ( ̄▽ ̄)

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