F Dental Clinic w Hiroshima

JaponiaF Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒731-3168 Hiroshima, Asaminami Ward, Tomominami, 4-chōme−1−1 フレスポ西風新都内
kontakt telefon: +81 120-126-383
strona internetowej: www.f-dental.info
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.4460267, Longitude: 132.37863

komentarze 5

  • 伊藤理沙



    The receptionist's reception is very nice. Thank you for always taking care of my two children.

  • A F

    A F


    I came to the hospital after my filling came out. The doctor's treatment was also thorough. The clinic was clean and I felt comfortable receiving treatment. The staff are all friendly and it's easy to come to the hospital.

  • Kotasan



    I've been going here for 2-3 years. Explanation is thorough and easy to understand The cleaning and treatment are 5 stars! ! I would recommend this to anyone who is worried about choosing a dentist. It's a clinic! !

  • 昭二中村



    This was my first time receiving treatment. There was a commercial in front of the hospital that said ``painless anesthesia'', so I was lured by it and made an appointment. I felt a tingling sensation, perhaps because the ``Clean Dental Clinic'' in Kumano Town where I had previously been treated took anesthesia for over 30 minutes, but I didn't feel any more pain, so that's what I was imagining. But it was pretty painful. Also, I don't feel like needlessly increasing the number of days I visit the doctor, and I don't even try to forcefully remove tartar. Let's say we do what is necessary and only what is necessary. The teachers and staff were calm and had a nice atmosphere. The dentist mentioned above gave me good anesthesia, but the dentist's fingers smelled so bad that I thought it was a barter between the anesthesia and the anesthesia, so I put up with it. after that··· I went to this dentist after work because my other tooth was loose and about to fall off. Since it was an emergency, I thought it was a matter of urgency, so I thought they would remove the tooth. When I spoke to the receptionist, I was told that they were fully booked and couldn't accommodate me today. I told him that it would be okay if I put it off until later, but he was adamant that it was impossible. So, when I asked what I should do, I was told that the next time I could make a reservation would be one month later. Until then, I told him to leave it as is. I received a reply saying yes. So, I wondered if I would have to have the extraction done by another dentist. I replied, “Please do that.” Am I wrong in thinking that in an emergency, even an ordinary dentist can help? I will never go to a dentist like this again. Only one patient. Our clinic is popular in areas with reduced pain and itching. I can feel that feeling. Ahhh. I thought I had found a good dentist.

  • 、、



    I had my tooth treated for cavities. I am very grateful for the smooth response I received when I made a reservation over the phone. However, even though I had first told the dental hygienist where it hurts, she suddenly asked me where the pain was. I was asked. It hurt and I was filled with anxiety because it happened so suddenly without anyone telling me that I was going to touch it.

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