Equipment Floor w Kumamoto

JaponiaEquipment Floor



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3-chōme-4-37 Ikeda, Kita Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0082, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 96-201-1795
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Latitude: 32.8368589, Longitude: 130.7085729

komentarze 5

  • keiko y

    keiko y


    I've heard the name for a long time. Suddenly I want to eat parfait I called in a hurry. Since it was past noon, I was told I could only go to a cafe. While we were choosing dessert, my daughter said that the lunch looked delicious, and we were kindly served some food. The green curry had lots of bamboo shoots and sweet potatoes and was delicious. The parfait you're looking for seems to be a new one, so is it strawberry, cheesecake, yogurt, or Dekopon? It had a lot of ingredients and was very tasty♪ Thank you for your kind words from the staff, asking us to come again soon 😊 Yes, I'll take my time.

  • ゆん



    The store was located in a corner of a residential area. The inside of the store is a very homely space. Visited at lunch time. It was a menu where you could enjoy two types of curry. The meat is tender, and the aromas of the various vegetables and spices are very appetizing. I ate a large serving of rice, but I ate it all up lol.

  • loveboko



    First time Waiting for the girls' night out Is there a good cafe nearby? I searched and found A hidden cafe! equipment floor @equipment_floor 99% of the time I don't pass by ( *´꒳`*) Found a cute orange door Parking space for 6 cars in the back Fill it from the back and stop. open the orange door take off your shoes at the entrance Sorry to bother you (*・ω・)*_ _) Pecoli Contrary to appearance Customer capacity exceeded expectations! ️ 3 seats at the counter 3 table seats There are sofa seats and table seats on the veranda. There is also a tatami room in the back. Good for bringing children 👍 Late lunch on Fridays A delicious menu I was worried though Today's Asian meal Gapao rice 1,380 yen and, today's cake Nut gateau chocolate Half size +400 yen to hot chai Set( *´꒳`*) Start with 3 appetizers Then the main gapao rice The pink one in the salad I wonder what it is Pickled radish? So delicious😋 Gapao rice has a mild Japanese taste I'm very satisfied Half size cake is really half of one cut This size will definitely fit! ️ hot chai Impressed by the spicy taste ✨️ Addictive taste I will definitely order this again next time❣️ A still chilly day in late February Impressive even in the toilet The heater is on! The hand washing area is retro and cute 💕 Because it's a hidden gem cafe I don't want to tell you I want to brag 🤣 Second time Sunday in early March I visited on a date to celebrate my husband's birthday. Now, let's start a fun date We will have a delicious meal🙏 This time I sat on a sofa on the veranda. Everything looks delicious so it takes a while to choose the menu 💦 Your husband is Recommended 2 types of curry set 1,480 yen I am after all From today's Asian meal Gaiyaan 1,380 yen ⬆️It's a Thai-style grilled chicken with lemongrass flavor. This time as well, we have 3 types of appetizers. Everything is delicious and has a delicate taste. Both are the main A beautiful assortment of colors that looks great in photos ✨ It doesn't have a strange taste, but it has a strange deliciousness that is different from your usual meals. For dessert Your husband is Apple and fresh caramel cake and coffee☕️ I raspberry basque cheesecake and hot chai 🍵 Both are full size +670 yen Both of us are very satisfied 😍 Food, sweets, and drinks The atmosphere inside the store The staff's response is also wonderful. A little break from everyday life It was the start of a wonderful date 😊 Third time Girls’ night out with work colleagues🌸 Friday in mid-March I visited with two people. On the same veranda sofa seat as last time🛋 Colleagues look at the surrounding interior, etc. He liked it very much. I was happy(*≧∀≦*) I'm still having trouble deciding which one to choose 💦 Everything always looks delicious 🤤 This time I Today's cafe meal Stewed beef with curry flavor My colleagues are Was it curry doria? I forgot to take a photo of the menu 💦 We both have drinks For iced chai. The conversation was lively Order more desserts I tried it for the third time First seasonal parfait 🍨 strawberry and apple parfait and grapefruit juice My colleagues are apple and caramel cake and iced coffee We probably talked for about 4 hours. I enjoyed it🌸 3 times equipment floor I told you about the charm how was it? If you are interested, please go and find it 😊

  • めぐ



    I went there because I wanted to eat peach parfait 🍑 I'm really happy that it's close to my house. Always a great success even on weekdays❗ I recommend making a reservation (--;) I was wondering if I should have a parfait after I finished eating. The staff suggested a single item of rice or a smaller amount of rice, and both were delicious❗ Peach parfait is of course also peach❗ Vanilla ice cream and coffee jelly inside It was delicious😆⤴️💓

  • 豆ちーず



    It was a shop with a friendly atmosphere. There are some rules, so you can eat without worrying about the person next to you! The vegetables were delicious. They had a variety of lunch menus and they all looked delicious. It seems like there's a lot going on at night too, so I'd like to go there! The location is right near Fujisakinomiya Station. It was a restaurant that you could easily go to with friends, with your boyfriend, and even families! Recommended ^_^

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