EM Dental Clinic i Fukuyama

JapanEM Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

7-chōme-5-16 Kasugachō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 721-0907, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 84-982-6925
internet side: www.emdent.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.5093407, Longitude: 133.4151622

kommentar 5

  • usagi W.

    usagi W.


    I have had implant treatment and ceramic implants and have been taking care of her for a long time. I wear a mouthpiece because of clenching and grinding my teeth, but when I heard about botulism treatment from my doctor, I was also interested, so I decided to have the treatment done. The injections didn't hurt much, so how are the results so far? I'm looking forward to seeing it come out.

  • OH!ミッシェル



    Thank you for your help with orthodontic treatment. To be honest, I was a little nervous, but the director and staff gave me thorough explanations and I was able to complete the treatment without any problems. I don't know if I say so myself, but I think my teeth were badly aligned. To that end, I would like to thank you for standing up to me in a well-grounded manner without letting my own motivation drop. We look forward to working with you in the future.

  • ち


    Thank you for your help with orthodontics. I was inconvenienced by the fact that I couldn't go for a period of time due to my pregnancy and childbirth, but the staff were really kind and always made me feel at ease. If anyone is thinking about orthodontics in Fukuyama, I would definitely recommend him as a dentist.

  • Eriko Fujii

    Eriko Fujii


    Since I was a child, I was not good at going to the dentist, so I went to many different dentists, but I was finally able to find one here that I felt comfortable going to. How kind the director, vice director, new teachers, and staff are. My anxiety always subsides quickly. The vice director is especially interesting. The inside of the hospital is also beautiful and decorated according to the season, which makes you feel good. This is the dentist I finally found. Thank you.

  • Ken Nuru

    Ken Nuru


    I went to see an implant surgery the other day. The director is a well-known doctor in the industry who gives lectures and provides technical guidance to teachers at other dental clinics, and he was a very kind and easy-going teacher. When looking at cases from a dentist's perspective, the treatment is excellent, and I recommend this clinic to patients who want proper treatment. On that day, I was performing an implant surgery on a referral from a nearby dental clinic. There were some comments about the price being high, but I think it's a reasonable price because we provide treatments that regular doctors can't provide. We also have a TC (Treatment Coordinator), a professionally qualified person who listens to patients' requests and concerns, so you can receive treatment without any worries. This is the dental clinic that I personally would like to visit when my teeth become bad.

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