elvcafe w Nagasaki




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒850-0875 Nagasaki, Sakaemachi, 6−15 松尾ビル
kontakt telefon: +81 95-823-5118
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7472482, Longitude: 129.8796709

komentarze 5

  • Tiffany



    Please note that the photo of the curry on the lunch menu and the grilled vegetables were optional. The amount was just right for a girl who eats little, but it might not be enough for a man who eats a lot 🤏 The food was delicious, it was clean and the atmosphere was very cute ☕️ The owner greeted me with a smile and made me feel good. Here it is 😊

  • tameiki



    Date I went to the store: 2023.10 A cafe along Meganebashi Street. Lemon squash is perfect for a dry throat... The cake was also very rich and delicious. The staff are kind and the atmosphere inside the store is nice. I've heard that the curry is delicious, so I'd definitely like to try it next time I visit Nagasaki 🍛 🍽️ig:ta_meiki__

  • おすぽん



    It's explained on Instagram, The curry was a special curry ^^ The rice was chewy with malted brown rice, The curry was mild, easy to eat and delicious 🥰 I often see that chocolate cake is delicious, I want to go eat there again someday 🥰✨

  • swc27



    A stylish cafe along Megane Bridge. The menu seems to be separate for cafe and lunch. There are 3 menus for lunch. Prices start from around 1200 yen, including drink and dessert. I went there without worrying because it was listed on the Nagasaki City website, but when I entered the restaurant, I was not greeted, nor was I given a menu, so I just went to an empty seat. The food came out slowly, probably due to a lack of staff, and considering the price and size of the plate, I felt that the cost performance was poor, although it may vary depending on the person, such as the sparse salad. If you're going to Elb Cafe, I recommend Otto in Dejima.

  • Thomas Herth

    Thomas Herth


    I came here a few times during a long stay in Nagasaki. Coffee was good, juices too. The place is beautiful, perfect to relax or to work for a while. I'll come back !

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