Eiraiken i Asahikawa




🕗 åbningstider

12-chōme-5-7 Nagayama 4 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 079-8414, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 166-48-7445
internet side: m.facebook.com
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Latitude: 43.8010248, Longitude: 142.4229657

kommentar 5

  • 樋口智美



    I've been wanting to eat here for a long time and finally went. I ate Menma Ramen with miso and it had a traditional taste and was delicious. I also ate some gyoza, but it didn't smell like garlic, so I didn't have to worry about it.

  • AllorNothing



    The price is also super reasonable! The taste is also very delicious! The couple's customer service is also warm! The photo shows regular miso 800 yen and chashu topping (2 pieces 90 yen)✨ I highly recommend the homemade gyoza (600 yen)! Number one gyoza for me✨

  • Zen Chan

    Zen Chan


    I visited a store that I had been interested in for a long time. ⚫︎Soy sauce char siu men normal ¥1000 It was hot and delicious. The char siu is also a traditional char siu, but it's a little sparse in shape, but it's still delicious. It's a long-established restaurant, so there were some regulars, but they were talking quite loudly, which made it feel a little strange. . . The taste is really traditional. Those who are looking for an advanced version may feel unsatisfied. Thank you for the meal.

  • m k

    m k


    I happened to have some business to do in Asahikawa and it was around lunchtime, so I happened to see the sign and entered the store. I ordered a large serving of bean sprouts and miso char siu, rice, and handmade gyoza. The noodles were thin and hard boiled, but the light miso flavor mixed with the noodles was very delicious. The gyoza was also very delicious, but I ate too much😅Next time, I would like to try the soy sauce ramen in moderation😊

  • lateforthesky



    A local ramen shop in Nagayama, Asahikawa. The taste is so simple that you can eat this ramen even everyday:) You need cash here. The Parking lot is enough large.

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