Ehime Bank Kume en Matsuyama

JapónEhime Bank Kume



🕗 horarios

155-7 Minamikumemachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0924, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 89-975-1151
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.817411, Longitude: 132.80381

comentarios 5

  • 松原周子



    This place is new and has automatic doors that allow wheelchair access!

  • 安井猛



    There were no customers visiting the store today, so they responded immediately. It's a pleasant shop where you can feel the warmth of the wood.

  • 生きてるだけでまるもうけ



    The waiting time is unbelievably long. It's been 20 minutes since I entered, but no one has called me...

  • 森博樹



    [Personal impressions] (2021/6/29) Currently, the only relationship I have with [the same bank] is the [account] for debiting my [rent] and my [electricity and water bills]. [Cash] I did not create a withdrawal card due to the [worst reception] of the bank employee (at the time) who accompanied me in the past. What is the [worst response]... After moving to my current address (from a certain city in Aichi Prefecture to Matsuyama City) when I was in the third grade of elementary school (about 40 years ago), I asked the landlord of my parents' house (a rented one-story house) where I still live to open a ``rent account'' at the same bank. Please create an account.'' Until I opened an account, I was confused... Due to a sudden move, my parents contacted ○○ Bank because they ``forgot'' to close their account at a certain ○○ Bank they had set up in a certain city in Aichi Prefecture. An employee of a certain ○○ bank The reply was, ``Ehime Bank can also process the [closure] of your account, so if you go to Ehime Bank and have the procedure completed, we will handle it for you.'' After receiving this reply, I went to the same bank and was met with a cruel response, saying things like, ``Even if you ask me, we can't do anything for you.'' Both my parents and I were on the verge of losing our minds. After that, my parents were angry 🤬💢 about the first response about 3 or 4 times, but they held on to it... I went to ask for a request again (to close the account at ○○ bank), but everything was turned away at the door... In the end, other banks (according to my mother, when I requested it at Iyo Bank, it was handled quickly). I don't know what I heard after I decided to work (Honda Motors Suzuka Factory in Mie Prefecture) more than ten years after [Response ⇧ above]... When a salesman from the bank (at the time) (I remember he was probably a new employee) came all the way to my house to try and open an account with the bank. The salesman had no way of knowing [the above response]... I kindly declined, but I still have a strong memory of not responding, and the image itself is still the worst. [Above ⇧] Due to two events, I have never entered or will not enter the rebuilt bank. (I don't know about other people's [evaluation] or the current response by the companion...) Naturally, [rating] is ☆1

  • みどりこ伊集院



    Large parking lot. It's spacious and bright. Because it uses wood from Kuma, it has a faint wood scent.

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