Eguchikyosei Dental Clinic i Kyotanabe

JapanEguchikyosei Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒610-0334 Kyoto, Kyotanabe, Tanabechūō, 1-chōme−2−11 アトリオパーク 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 774-68-2860
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.8201499, Longitude: 135.7714448

kommentar 5

  • takako nakamura

    takako nakamura


    I came across this clinic when my elementary school student had misaligned baby teeth. If your jaw is small, your teeth will become even more misaligned when your permanent teeth come in, so I started by wearing braces to widen your jaw every night. Gradually, the size of the orthodontic appliances was changed, baby teeth were replaced, and the teeth were aligned. Then, when I became a high school student, I finally transitioned to secondary orthodontics. It takes a long time, but the correction will be done as the child grows, so I can leave it to him with peace of mind.

  • fuu



    Invisalign takes care of me. It's been 6 weeks since I started treatment. There is almost no pain and I am very satisfied with the gradual change in the alignment of my teeth. Regular check-ups are also carefully examined, so you can visit the hospital with peace of mind. I look forward to the day when I can show my teeth and smile in public, and I can continue with my treatment.

  • me _e

    me _e


    We also provide thorough counseling services. I had it fixed with wire for 2 years. The hospital is clean and the examinations are thorough. I feel glad that I was able to get my orthodontic treatment done here! The wire adjustments were done relatively quickly, and I was able to get my teeth in the ideal alignment.




    When I entered the workforce, I started orthodontics, which I had always wanted to do. I chose this location because it was easy to get to. The clinic is clean and the teachers and staff are all kind. It's easy to get reservations, so it's easy to go. The orthodontic appliances will be removed soon, so we will continue to take care of you during the maintenance period.

  • y i

    y i


    I was concerned about the looseness of my front teeth, so I went to ask him about Invisalign Go. First, the director (a man like him) examined me. You can adapt it with go. I think the rattle can also be retracted. So I decided to start, but then a woman came from another room. I was asked to show my teeth, and when I did, I was told that Go would only heal the rattle, so there is a high chance that it would come out in front, so it would look a little weird, so I should go with Invisalign (approx. 1 million yen), so I went with Invisalign (the more expensive one). I'm here. I think he told me because there was a real possibility. The way he spoke at that time was harsh, and I felt like he was just recommending something higher, so I just couldn't bring myself to correct him here. The director seemed like a nice person and was efficient. When choosing a hospital, skill is definitely important, but I also think that personality and atmosphere are also important.

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