Ebisawa Dental Office i Suginami City

JapanEbisawa Dental Office



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Japan, 〒166-0003 Tokyo, Suginami City, Kōenjiminami, 1-chōme−6−6 m.yビル 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3315-6480
internet side: ha6480.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6980641, Longitude: 139.6583899

kommentar 5

  • 藤澤虹希



    I visited the clinic for orthodontic consultation because it was nearby and the website was easy to understand. The treatment went smoothly, but the director and the woman who explained the procedure were half-smiling. I half-smiled while looking at the scanned image. “As you can see, it’s quite shaky lol.” I know that, but what does it mean to have a half-smile even though I'm going to see a doctor to get it fixed? For some reason, the person who explained Invisalign to me was half-laughing the entire time. I was very uncomfortable, but it seems like there are a lot of cases, and they respond quickly to all kinds of cases, so I'm planning to visit the clinic, but from now on, I'll post reviews to make sure they don't treat me like that.

  • M K

    M K


    I'm really glad I got my braces done here with Invisalign! I've never been good at dentists, but the doctor is friendly and easy to talk to, and the dental hygienist is also kind ^ ^ I also liked the homely atmosphere. It's a little far from home, but I want to continue coming here!

  • Yuki K

    Yuki K


    In conclusion, I do not recommend it. The homepage has a warm design, but the director has some problems. I was inquiring about transferring to another hospital, but from the moment I answered the phone, I was told this in a casual manner. When I entered the clinic, the director didn't say anything to me, even though he looked at me once. After filling out the medical questionnaire, I was taken to a room and the director appeared again. Normally, I think the examination would start with words like "Thank you for coming to the hospital," but nothing happened. And customer service in Japanese. It's really not possible. Is it a good idea to pay close to 1 million yen from a customer? What are you thinking? We talked for another 2.3 minutes and left without doing anything. I don't recommend it.

  • 金澤ゆい



    They will carefully listen to your needs and suggest several treatment options. We have a lot of experience in orthodontics, so you can feel safe, use the latest equipment, and discuss prices with us. There will be no forced recommendation. Counseling is free, so if you have a complex around your mouth, we recommend you try counseling at least once!

  • saori



    I was interested in Invisalign for my son, who is in elementary school, so I visited him. The homepage has all the information you want to know. He is a recommended dentist. We also provided orthodontic consultation and cavities treatment. There are many dentists in the neighborhood, but I wanted to consult a clinic I could trust for orthodontic consultation, so I came here. The cavity treatment has been completely cured, and I look forward to seeing you again in the future for orthodontic treatment. I would like to try it on my teeth too.

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