DZ Mato Shunko 5 Joten i Asahikawa

JapanDZ Mato Shunko 5 Joten



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4-chōme-6-14 Shunkō 5 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0875, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.8024604, Longitude: 142.3594215

kommentar 5

  • りさりさ



    Shunko Aeon will use it for rebuilding. Hours of use are during the day. The freshness isn't great, but depending on the item, it's a bargain. The lady clerk thinks the milk is still good, but puts the yogurt sideways. Even when I said that I didn't like yogurt being turned sideways (sweat), he didn't even apologize and just said, "Well then..." and pretended to fix it, and in the end I fixed it (sweat) Maybe my hands hurt, but I never pick up the basket and it's sloppy. Maybe you're not suited to be a cashier? The young male clerk is very nice.

  • yangas38



    A small supermarket that feels like a local's kitchen. It's reasonably priced and easy to use.

  • wataru udaka

    wataru udaka


    It's close to my house and I use it often. It's cheap, has a wide variety of products, and is convenient. There are various payment methods using electronic money, and the checkout process is smooth and comfortable.

  • 野上祐一



    At each supermarket, products such as time service are cheaper for a limited time... DZ Mart seems to have a lot of discounted products compared to other supermarkets...Of course, there are some products that are more expensive than other stores...but on average it feels cheap. It's a's a little far from home, but I go there sometimes.

  • Over Blue

    Over Blue


    With the rebuilding of Shunko Aeon, it has become much more crowded, but the selection of products is still not as good as Aeon. In particular, the variety and quantity of fresh fish and meat is small, so go to Daiichi.

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