Doutor w Natori




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒981-1294 Miyagi, Natori, Morisekinoshita, 5-chōme−5 3‐1 2F フードコート
kontakt telefon: +81 22-382-3161
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.1638573, Longitude: 140.8961163

komentarze 5

  • な


    I used it around 6pm, but the attitude of the male clerk was the worst. He seemed to be in a bad mood all the time and I felt bad.

  • Nadeshiko Yamato

    Nadeshiko Yamato


    I ordered an iced coffee (L). Since I eat it at work, I always switch to a thermal mug, but the amount is so small that I'm really depressed. There was so much ice that I couldn't move it. There are times when I feel a difference in the amount, but if the difference is this much, I won't use it anymore. I think it would be better to check the specified amount for the list price to see if it was due to a procedure or a mistake made during a busy period. It's a shame even though I like the taste.

  • seisyo S

    seisyo S


    Today's (February 1, 2023) coffee is from Brazil, so I'm going to have it right away. I really like the bitterness in my mouth and the aroma as it leaves my nose. I used the same beans at home, they were from Brazil, but they were very different.

  • ゴン



    The male clerk here doesn't seem to be good at Japanese, and even though I'm asking him questions, he doesn't seem to understand? If you use a foreigner, I think the customer service should be done by someone who understands the language. Even though there aren't many customers, the shrimp and salmon Milano sandwich seems to be sold out by lunchtime.

  • Seiichi Aikawa

    Seiichi Aikawa


    It's located in a corner of the food court. I mostly only order blended coffee, but I personally think it's better than Starbucks or Kamijima. However, the food court is always crowded, so it's not a good idea to just relax and read a book. All the staff are always friendly and make you feel comfortable. There is always a line of several people, but they work so efficiently that it doesn't take long for your turn to arrive.

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