Doutor i Bunkyō-ku




🕗 åbningstider

2 Chome-40-18 Hongō, Bunkyō-ku, Tōkyō-to 113-0033, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3812-1916
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7068569, Longitude: 139.7601054

kommentar 5

  • es

    alejandro postigo cepe


    Muy buen café y barato ademas de un sitio tranquilo y agradable para descansar y relajarse

  • Anna Pinsky

    Anna Pinsky


    A bit dark and small on the ground floor. Would recommend the larger Dotour round the corner closer to Todai

  • Kaiyin Feng

    Kaiyin Feng


    I had a small Cappuchino to-go. It was not really barista-made, and they had cinnamon on it on default. I once had a good one from Excelsior's Coffee so I tried this, since that they are from the same company. But the quality is so different, probably due to the different target (and price). Quite disappointed.

  • en

    Ash Yousuf


    Cheapest cafe around, good place to chill during lunch breaks

  • Massimo Biondi

    Massimo Biondi


    Not expressive and I always find it less crowded than the neighboring competition. Check out the non-smoking seats upstairs in front of the smoking section for a more quiet environment.

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