都クリニック 各務原 en Kakamigahara

Japón都クリニック 各務原



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒509-0135 Gifu, Kakamigahara, 鵜沼羽場町5丁目52−1
contactos teléfono: +81 58-385-4838
sitio web: www.miyako-clinic.net
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.4040529, Longitude: 136.9264948

comentarios 5

  • kon 1018

    kon 1018


    Recently, I saw some critical comments regarding the reception staff's response, but I have a completely different opinion. I have been going to this dental clinic for many years, and the receptionists are always kind and always smile. They are professional and you can tell that they care about each and every patient. It is true that the receptionist's reception is an important element that affects the overall impression of the clinic. However, from other patients' and my experience, the receptionist's response is very good. Our doctors and dental hygienists provide excellent technology and courteous service, so you can always receive treatment with peace of mind. While there may be improvements in any workplace, it is clear that the entire staff at this dental office is working hard and doing the best they can for their patients. Even if there are some criticisms about the reception staff, for many of us as patients, this is a great dental clinic that we can trust.

  • y 2

    y 2


    Certainly, the receptionist's response should be improved. Smiles, impressions, and atmosphere are important. The roots are deep because the people themselves are not aware of it. The receptionist's reception greatly changes the impression of the dentist. It's a shame because the others are doing very well. The teacher's technique is high. The dental hygienist is He does it very carefully. However, the receptionist woman has to do something. This is where customer turnover occurs.

  • KARATE4649



    I think something should be done about the attitude of the two receptionists. Even though the dentist is very good, I stopped going to the dentist.

  • フタツナ



    Your work is very thorough. Dental hygienists are also highly motivated and will tell you the good and bad points. Thanks to this, my chances of getting cavities have decreased, and I am now spending my days with good maintenance. The problem is the reception. Overbearing and rough. The fact that the people working inside are so polite makes the damage stand out. Totally unpleasant. As a result, it is 3 stars. The black hair on the right. It's about time for a tap on the shoulder.

  • なお



    As an oral surgeon, we can treat a wide range of patients, from children to the elderly. The teachers are kind, listen well, and give accurate advice. The dental assistants are kind, polite, and well-trained, making you feel at ease. The treatment room is bright and clean, and the treatment equipment is up-to-date, and there aren't as many annoying noises as in the past, so you can feel at ease. Reservations required.

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