Dormy Inn Premium Otaru Natural Hot Spring w Otaru

JaponiaDormy Inn Premium Otaru Natural Hot Spring


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3-chōme-9-1 Inaho, Otaru, Hokkaido 047-0032, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 134-21-5489
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 43.198419, Longitude: 140.994721

komentarze 5

  • Lim AS

    Lim AS


    As a Dormy Inn Premium, the food was excellent. Breakfast had a good spread of fresh sashimi and other traditional japanese options. The public bath was well maintained and as always the free ramen and ice cream round up a great day. The location is just across the Otaru JR Station and a 10 minute walk to the Otaru Canal.

  • Tanate



    Prime location, next to station, just 1 minute to the market and department store. Good breakfast plenty of sushis blow rice, this hotel has sushi rice in buffet that excellent. In room are nice and clean. I recommend this hotel.

  • clevername333



    I am really glad we stayed at this hotel. The location is fantastic. The car parking is interesting as you don't have a spot, they put your car into an elevator garage so there is a process to drop it off and pick it up, but it was always easy. The staff through out the hotel was very nice. The onsen was fantastic and the outdoor area is open to the air, but isnt that cold as it's not truly outdoors with a view or anything, but still open to the outside air and overall very very nice. The room feels bigger than the size and it is well laid out and I liked our view as we could see the mountains. The bathroom is very spacious and the entry way is huge for luggage storage as well as a nice amount of space to hang jackets to dry off. Overall Otaru is a lovely town with a great vibe everywhere. Also I met a lot of nice people while here. The very nice touch is the free washing machines in the onsen so you can wash your clothes while you take a bath. The dryer is 100 yen for 30 min and works great. All our clothes easily dried in 30 min. It is in a great location. Minutes from the train station and the fish market. The only negatives are the lack of power outlets close to the beds, and if you looked behind the furniture (as we did in search of power plugs) then you will find so much dust... I think the rooms just need a deep clean. Overall good experience and I would recommend it.

  • Kiruthika Raja

    Kiruthika Raja


    Fancy hotel! The room was super pretty with a Japanese style. We were treated with desserts in the fridge for free (pear pudding). The facilities were really nice with onsen, icecream machine and probiotic drinks in the morning! The location is right near the station as well and the view from the hotel is absolutely gorgeous.

  • gili lemberger

    gili lemberger


    Rooms are a little small But the location is great, right next to the station and the market. The hotel service was great, even offers a free ramen & ice cream The onsen was great with hot and cold tubs, indoor and outdoor, big dressing room and a sauna.

najbliższy Kwatera

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