Doremo LeTAO i Chitose

JapanDoremo LeTAO



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6-chōme-1番-1 Asahichō, Chitose, Hokkaido 066-0043, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 123-23-1566
internet side:
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Latitude: 42.820855, Longitude: 141.655573

kommentar 5

  • Dave D.

    Dave D.


    Average cake and drip coffee. Expensive. Poor service. Although drip coffee had free refills I was never offered one. I had to get the attention of servers who were only busy talking to each other and didn't seem interested in helping customers.... I think there are many better cafes to spend my money in Chitose.

  • A C

    A C


    Decided to come by here for a quick lunch after picking up our holiday car nearby. Saw that the opening hours of the restaurant was 11am but there was already 35 groups in the q (it was a sunday). The reservation system operates by Line app, so since i did not have the app, there was simply no way to know when we would get a table (according to the queue chit that we churned out from the tablet at the front of the restaurant, they willl use Line app to call you once ur table is ready), we decided to abandon lunch plan here and venture to the bakery shop just opposite (by the same company). We bought a variety of buns (miss), muffins (ok), strawberry tart (ok) and the creme puff (must buy!). Store was great, nice decor (it was Halloween time when we visited) and even had some seats at the side for you to rest and have a quick bite of your purchases. There's foc plain water at the nearby counter too. Queue was long at this bakery shop the entire time we were there but moved fast and orderly. Expect to wait around 20mins from the time you choose your items with the plastic tong and tray provided, to when you get to the front of the line to make payment and your purchases are packed very nicely in the iconic blue paper bag for you.

  • alan Chng

    alan Chng


    Went around 11.30am today n there wasn't any queue and was shown the seats fairly quickly. There is a cafe on one side n confectionery on the other. Plenty of parking space. Ordered the recommended pancake with choc ball and the honey butter pancake which need to wait for approx 40mins and damage is ¥3,700. The pancake was really fluffy and the choc is so rich in flavour, it was really good. The butter honey pancake was also delicious. IMHO, worth the wait to hv a simple and peaceful meal with your loved one. I must say, everything in hokkaido is sooo good. A must visit if you are nearby Chitose.




    Not the amount for the food. I liked the peach special drink it was really delicious but the pancakes was not worth the hype for me. The taste is good and are really soft. The presentation wasn't the best.I didn't find the luxury I was looking for. Basic plate, toilets are simple, the staff is not bad but not on extra polite level that you might expect from expensive cafes.

  • Wai Ping Chow

    Wai Ping Chow


    Like this place very much. The pancake is delicious. The furano melon pancake is now in season, highly recommended. French toast is also nice. Good place to chill.

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