東和銀行 南砂支店 in Koto City

Japan東和銀行 南砂支店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

7-chōme-4-8 Minamisuna, Koto City, Tokyo 136-0076, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3646-4641
webseite: www.towabank.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6711119, Longitude: 139.8342802

kommentare 4

  • 時計じかけのオレンジ



    According to the website, with the reopening on May 27, 2020, the Fukagawa branch and Kasai branch are expected to move into the same store on June 24, 2020. Three stores will be open within one store. In recent years, as branches have been consolidated, there has been an increase in the number of stores operating together within the same store. This may be due to the fact that internet banking has become more popular and the number of customers visiting stores has decreased compared to the past. The three branches operating at the same store are branches of the former Fukagawa Credit Union, and like the former Akabane Credit Union, they have a long history of operation after merging with Towa Bank. (I think all the former Akabane Credit Union stores are closed.) Among these, the Minamisuna branch was located near a large residential complex and boasted one of the highest numbers of visitors among banks. What about now? Financial institutions are probably being forced to make major changes, and I've noticed something recently. That person is Mr. Teller at the counter, who is at the forefront of sales. In the past, tellers were mostly full-time female employees who were popular in the workplace, good-looking, warm-hearted, and had high performance evaluations. Since his position was the first place to deal with customer requests and complaints, he was well-versed in deposits, loans, foreign exchange, and all other aspects of the business, and I think he worked hard to ensure that the employees did not have any unpleasant experiences and that they left with a good feeling. However, the situation seems to have changed over the past 15 years or so. Probably from around the Lehman Shock. The teller is the first person a visitor encounters and is probably the person they interact with the most. I got off track. We pray that the three newly restarted stores will continue to be a community that provides a comfortable environment for customers.

  • S A

    S A


    I didn't want to miss out, so I called the day before to confirm that I could apply, but in the end I couldn't. I can't do anything without asking various people, and I'm so low-level that I'm embarrassed to call myself a banker. This is why the second regional bank is called...

  • ri Ba

    ri Ba


  • 安藤竹雄



nächste Bank

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