第四北越銀行 五泉中央支店 in Gosen

Japan第四北越銀行 五泉中央支店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-33 Honchō, Gosen, Niigata 959-1865, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 250-43-2111
webseite: www.dhbk.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.7384811, Longitude: 139.1760419

kommentare 5

  • seisei



    *Although we have merged with Hokuetsu, there is no replacement counter, etc., so we will post it here as well. I had a very unpleasant experience at the Gosen branch. When I left my family's documents and went to take them out. Someone from above said to me, ``The shadows are blurring!Do you have a seal?'' picture? If you look at the documents, you can tell that they belong to a man, right? You know I'm here to take care of you, right? I thought to myself, but then I told her that I wasn't the one who pressed the button, and that she would press it again. "I don't mind this time, but you're family, right? Please let me know!" he said. ? why? Do I have to give a message? Why do I have to tell you if I'm family? And is it decisive? The customer service was extremely unpleasant. first of all. As a bank employee handling personal information, it is inappropriate to ask someone who is not the person in question if they have a seal. Even if you ask someone, the least you can do is say, "Are you taking care of your child?" When people ask me, ``Do you have one?'' as if it were a matter of course, I doubt the information management capabilities of the company. Secondly. Even if the documents are incomplete, we are still the "customer". Customer service that makes the other party aware of your troublesome behavior is the worst. Third. As a response to our customers! Before that, as a person. When asking someone for something (in this case, leaving a message), it is good manners to ask, "Can I ask?" Such an irreverent attitude that seems obvious...it's the worst. I don't want to use it, but as long as I'm in Niigata Prefecture, I have no choice but to use it, which makes me angry. We recommend banks such as Japan Post Bank whenever possible.

  • tyamagosn



    Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible! Road parking is terrible!

  • shi do

    shi do


  • 長澤公喜



  • 熊倉頼正



    It's the main bank after all.

nächste Bank

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