デサフィナード in Wakayama




🕗 öffnungszeiten

807-2 Kimiidera, Wakayama, 641-0012, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 73-441-6166
webseite: www.desafinado.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.1908324, Longitude: 135.1813619

kommentare 5

  • シロクマʕ·ᴥ·ʔ



    Desafinado! ! I thought I couldn't perform anything other than jazz, but this time I'll be playing a Showa pop song medley. M-con? Something happened...on Monday...after we had dinner, we were allowed to perform... It might be fun if you know the rules...

  • 高聖(고 성)

    高聖(고 성)


    I rented a live house for a piano concert. There is also a bar, where you can enjoy drinks with a little conversation and music. The interior is decorated with the owner's love for Kishu and Japan, and he was even invited to join the Self-Defense Forces because he was so nice. Since it's a port town, there are a lot of cats.

  • Kazuko Kawanishi

    Kazuko Kawanishi


    Recently, Desafinado has been holding Wakayama's only 🌈Wakayama Salsa Amigo Party about once a month✨ Sometimes I order individual one-plate snacks, and they always come up with plates that make me smile and it's delicious.

  • Alan Dolezalek

    Alan Dolezalek


    We are so lucky to have such a great place here in Wakayama. The owner and staff are super nice. The owner is very generous ,efficient and a great music engineer. Very spacious, good atmosphere. Great sound system. As I work at WMU, I've spent many hours here and saw many gigs as well. Prices of food and drinks are very reasonable.

  • Shinji N

    Shinji N


    I am always indebted. A comfortable live house. A New Year's party was held at the Society for Utilizing Mutsu Munemitsu's achievements in education. In 2020, the National Ryoma World in Kishu Wakayama will be held. thank you.

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