デコレッドルームズ & deco-cafe en Nagano

Japónデコレッドルームズ & deco-cafe



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-28-48 Nishiwada, Nagano, 381-0037, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 26-259-4030
sitio web: decoredrooms.jimdofree.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6536082, Longitude: 138.2193318

comentarios 5

  • 太田奈央子



    I look forward to the original pasta that changes every month. I was also impressed that the sweets were homemade. I was healed by the space where I could relax and talk with friends.

  • 上村律



    I suddenly felt like going to a cafe, so I stopped by here. Although it was Monday afternoon, the store was crowded. The inside of the store is very stylish. I felt as excited as if I had wandered into the world of Ghibli. For my meal, I had gapao rice, and the fresh salad and garnishes made me feel full. The seasoning of Gapao rice is not very spicy, and it has a gentle seasoning that makes it easy to eat. It's refreshing because it's eaten after squeezing a lemon. The hot coffee was not too sharp and was easy to drink. It was a very nice shop.

  • ハーレーデブットソン



    The inside of the store has a garden-like exotic feel, and the owner is a beautiful person. The gapao rice was also plentiful and delicious. There are several parking spaces in front of the store. The entrance was decorated with double doors. Drinks are self-service, including tea and coffee. The owner was the only one working, so if there were too many customers, orders would be delayed. Salad bar story table seat The drinks made with homemade plums were delicious.

  • 姫子



    I forget the name of the dish, but the salad dressing seemed to have covered a lot of it, and the rice that was served with it was soggy and tasteless! It was so cold inside the restaurant that when we got there, we had to wait an hour for our food to be served! My aunt was doing it alone. Ordering was done by scanning a QR code with your smartphone! It was my first time and it was hard to see, so I accidentally pressed the curry button! I will never go there again!

  • mii



    I was looking forward to going because the reviews were good. The store is filled with wonderful dried flowers. It took a while for me to order since I was working alone, but I didn't mind because I wanted to take my time. Ordered green curry. There was a lot of steamed vegetables, so there was a lot of volume. A very mild green curry I was surprised because the taste was similar to the green curry I make (^_^;) The spicy curry that my companion ordered was delicious with lots of spices and fried vegetables!

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