大衆馬肉酒場 三村 浦和仲町店 i Saitama

Japan大衆馬肉酒場 三村 浦和仲町店



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Japan, 〒330-0062 Saitama, Urawa Ward, Nakachō, 1-chōme−2−9 第1エグチビル 2階
kontakter telefon: +81 48-711-8762
internet side: search.daisyo.co.jp
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Latitude: 35.8599568, Longitude: 139.6553626

kommentar 5

  • 野口弘幸



    The staff I visited on September 11th was very responsive. It was good✨ The food is made with horse meat, so I thought it would have some flavor, but it doesn't have any flavor at all, so whatever you order may be the answer. I was also interested in Yakiniku!This time I had horse sashimi and sushi✨Next time I will try Yakiniku

  • ちせ



    I love horse meat, I've never eaten it but I'm curious, and I want to build up my stamina! This store is recommended for those people. All of the dishes made with low-fat, smooth horse meat were delicious. What surprised me most was the horsemeat minced meat. When I cut it in half, the meat juices and steam came out, but it wasn't oily! Even after I finished eating, my stomach didn't feel heavy. When I sat at the counter seat, I was given horse meat soup as a service. For example, it's a light version of stewed beef tendon. It had no smell and was easy to eat. As other reviews have said, the customer service is very polite. The atmosphere made me want to go again. There were also several families with children.

  • MGSスネーク



    The horse sashimi was delicious. The horse-shaped radish knife design is amazing. There are also various other horse meat dishes that I am satisfied with.

  • 優待太郎



    You can take advantage of Daisho's shareholder benefits. When you think of horse meat, you think of horse sashimi, but this restaurant offers horse meat dishes prepared in a variety of ways. In particular, the fried horse meat looks and tastes great, and I have no complaints. Like fried chicken, most of the horsemeat dishes may be new to some people, but basically they are all delicious. However, there are a series of flavors that you will encounter for the first time, so we recommend that you consult with the staff before ordering. I haven't eaten Yakiniku yet, so if I have a chance, I'd like to try dishes I've never tried before.

  • 鳥海修佑



    Spacious store!! ️ Perfect for corona measures❗️ All the store staff have nice smiles! ️ In addition to that If you have delicious horse meat and sake There is no way not to go! ️ Everyone at Shinjuku store I heard it was moved I tried to disturb you right away. Horse grilling and sukiyaki Horse sashimi is seasoned with Kanto soy sauce, sesame oil, and salt. Served with Kyushu soy sauce 🎵 Standard dish? too He says he uses horses. No matter what you eat, you'll be full of horses! ️ I just can't eat it!! ️ it's okay Non-horse menus too Yes, there is. But it's a big deal. I want you to try it at least once

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