Daily Yamazaki Nagano Imai in Nagano

JapanDaily Yamazaki Nagano Imai



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Japan, 〒381-2226 Nagano, Kawanakajimamachi Imai, 1077−4 2F
kontakte telefon: +81 26-284-0143
webseite: www.daily-yamazaki.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.5952182, Longitude: 138.1513299

kommentare 5

  • のん



    Although it may seem petty. All the bread sold in the store was listed as half price, so when I bought it, I was charged the regular price without the discount. If you don't offer a discount, please don't write it like that.

  • Lee Sunna

    Lee Sunna


    The atmosphere of the shop is dark, but the handmade rice balls and freshly baked bread are really delicious. The freshly fried curry bread with butter and salt bread was very delicious. I think it sold well because there was a wide variety of products and a reasonable amount. I want to stop by again if I'm nearby.

  • MY1



    As others have said, the male clerk at night has a very bad attitude. Even when I entered the store, I was babbling in my own language. It's unpleasant because it feels like he's saying bad things in front of the customers. I guess no one is paying attention. I go to many convenience stores, but this is the only one that's this bad. It seems like you've been around for a long time, but are you an employee? part-time job? It's a shame because the staff at lunchtime are kind and the homemade bread is delicious.

  • Pヤック



    Convenience store at the corner of the intersection You can purchase bread baked in-house. The image is anpan with whipped cream Looks like it will become a new specialty of Kawanakajima (?)

  • ナカジマタケオ



    A convenience store with delicious bread baked on the premises. The rice balls also have a timeless handmade feel. The coffee is also recommended for people who are tired of the taste of major convenience stores. As for the bread, the brown sugar croissant with chestnut bean paste, which comes out in the fall, is exquisite. Whether it's a dessert or a snack, it's so popular with kids that I wish it was on the menu all year round.

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