Daiichi en Asahikawa




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1-chōme-3-37 Higashiasahikawa Kita 1 Jō, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 078-8251, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 166-36-7210
sitio web: www.daiichi-d.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.7723259, Longitude: 142.4243033

comentarios 5

  • 中隊長



    When you go to the zoo, you can stop by and buy some fruits and local products. Super cheap

  • ユメヲカケル果てない空



    The store fired a high school student from his part-time job after hearing from another employee that he had attended a support class. This is a racist store. I can't tolerate firing someone because they hear it's impossible because they're disabled.

  • 秋葉和子



    Food is all too expensive. Right now, I think it's a good buy when it's on sale. Now, you can put the receipt you receive after shopping at this supermarket on your smartphone. I think it's very convenient because you can link the Daiichi app with the Daiichi app in LINE and you can see your receipts at any time. The inside of the store has been renovated since the beginning of this year, so the shelves have changed places, so you have to look around a little while you shop, but I think it's still a good idea to have fun while shopping. Prices have been going up since October, but when it comes to ready-made side dishes, it seems like all supermarkets carry the same items. Prices go up in winter, so I think it's better to keep an eye on things while shopping.

  • フミ



    We have a wide selection of products. It is also convenient that there is a Tsuruha drug next to it.

  • Frio Mendosa

    Frio Mendosa


    Among the supermarkets in Asahikawa, it has a wide selection of prepared foods. Due to the recent renewal, the discount method has become more severe. This store's half price time is originally the slowest among the supermarkets in the city. It's around 20:45-21:00, so one of the side dish part-timers is working at night. It is located.

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