Daddy en Iwaki




🕗 horarios

Minamimachi-74 Taira, Iwaki, Fukushima 970-8026, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 246-23-0278
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.0547614, Longitude: 140.8903842

comentarios 5

  • 七転八起七転八倒



    A calm interior, a master with a wide range of conversations, and delicious drinks and snacks. I don't like jazz at all, but I go here every once in a while just for a drink. My recommendation is melon milk and grilled sandwich (lol) There is no USEN at this store!

  • NEMO K-

    NEMO K-


    This time, I received Neapolitan and melon milk, and blended coffee after the meal. Melon milk is very delicious. This will save you a total of 1,680 yen.

  • Hiro Snufkin

    Hiro Snufkin


    It feels like a hangout for noisy old men. The BGM is wired, and I don't hear any shreds of jazz. The coffee had a disappointing taste of oxidized beans, and I felt that it was not something I would pay to drink.

  • ニコラス刑事



    I came to the store in the afternoon. It appears to be run by one man and one woman. The blended coffee (¥430) had a deep flavor that went down well. The owner is also kind and highly recommended. I will go again.

  • Joel



    Came here in December, great selection of Jazz and Whiskey, with Coffee available also. Owner spoke English well and he was happy to talk with me about himself and Iwaki. I would say foreigner friendly if you go in and be respectful, I would definitely revisit.

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