Cuccagna w Toyonaka




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒561-0872 Osaka, Toyonaka, Terauchi, 1-chōme−5−7 メゾン緑地1F
kontakt telefon: +81 70-1241-7719
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7742957, Longitude: 135.4929677

komentarze 5

  • Carson Smith

    Carson Smith


    My family and I had a wonderful dinner for our last night in Japan. We didn't speak any Italian, and only very little Japanese, but the staff were very patient with us and we were very grateful! They even called a taxi for us once we were finished, which was very kind of them! The meals were absolutely delicious, especially the pistachio pasta and the fish starters. Next time we're in the neighbourhood, we will be sure to stop by!

  • GZS



    Really glad they moved a few years ago from their downtown Osaka space to nearby in our neighborhood. Go at least once a month and the food is always great made with fresh ingredients by a very cheerful owner. We usually order his mixed appetizers of the day, a meat dish, one pasta and a bottle of two of wine. It is very affordable for the quality of food and service. When they opened they only offered courses which myself and some other people didn’t like for lack of price and menu options. Since the start of Covid they went to ala carte which is great and even do pizza on holidays

  • Kevin Bertman

    Kevin Bertman


    The food and the service here are good. Unfortunately it is extremely overpriced. A caprese consisting of two mini tomatoes and a few bits of cheese costs 1200 yen. Round the corner at Pizzeria da Mario you can get a caprese that is three times as big for 980 yen. A tiny Margarita pizza costs 1600 yen. Round the corner at Pizzaria de Mario you can get one that is at least twice as big for less. We were still hungry when we left, so we went to Pizzaria da Mario.

  • Gafgar Davallius

    Gafgar Davallius


    Felt pressured to order too quickly, and just asking what the cryptic menu meant made use get suggestions on what to order. It was nice that we could order things not strictly on the menu, but it was a big surprise to then learn that the simple tomato mozzarella pasta was more expensive than the most expensive pasta on the menu. And the other one we got felt very simple and not like a real meal, especially when considering the1900 yen price. That we also were forced to order a drink the moment we sat down, made the whole visit quite expensive, but I don't think neither me or my wife has left a restaurant this dissatisfied in a long time. We was OK, but didn't feel likely to return before we knew the price. Aftef we knew the price we felt a bit robbed. I must be honest. I don't mind paying premium if what I get is exceptional. The tomato pasta was actually good, but the other stuff not so much, and when considering the price, none of it was worth it. There are plenty of restaurants where you can get similar food for about half the price. And not be forced to order a drink, and where the menus are easy to read, and with photos so you know at least kind of what you order. It makes me sad to give this score. I feel the chef likes food, and he can make good meals, so I don't have the heart to give it a 1 star. But I would be very hard pressed to ever go back to this restaurant. It has a style and personality, that part I can give it. So if that is very important to you, and you don't care about price at all. Then maybe it's worth one visit to test. But it's absolutely not for me. But I honestly over all I don't feel like I can recommend this restaurant, even if you were a person that didn't care about price.

  • Kyle Mede

    Kyle Mede


    Amazing! Everything was fantastic and the owner and staff are super nice :)

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