Croce & Co in Ichinomiya

JapanCroce & Co



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Kyōdōike-41-1 Kaimei, Ichinomiya, Aichi 494-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 586-64-9288
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.3174697, Longitude: 136.764185

kommentare 5

  • Yui Mukai

    Yui Mukai


    I was really looking forward to visiting this café. The breakfast was fantastic and unique, but it was a bit busy and we had to wait a while.

  • Ken Richardson

    Ken Richardson


    Morning set is fantastic. Just go early as there may be a wait.

  • Mike Neff

    Mike Neff


    It is a popular place, so we had to wait a while to get in. We were there for coffee and a treat. My pancakes with fruit were good and gone too quickly.

  • Vladyslav Kravchenko

    Vladyslav Kravchenko


    Nice place. Pretty much new, good interior. Tasty coffee with big menu. There is also "morning" thing, when by ordering drink you'll get the breakfast set for free. It's huge and tasty 😋. Liked it there.

  • Samuel John

    Samuel John


    Delicious! If you can get it. There's always a long wait. You can park your car, write your name on the waiting list, and take the alarm ticket back to the car with you and wait 30min+

nächste Cafe

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