Cream Tea in Kakuda

JapanCream Tea



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Yanagimachi-33-19 Kakuda, Miyagi 981-1505, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 224-62-5589
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.9839523, Longitude: 140.7763974

kommentare 5

  • ちゃんまっこい



    I stopped by for a short break and found it to be a tea specialty store. Change into slippers at the entrance There were various teas, but I ordered the milk tea. Hmm, I didn't feel much of a difference 😅 The chiffon cake was fluffy and delicious🎵 It seemed like Madam's resting place. Thank you for the meal🎵

  • 立花みかん



    There are many types of tea. The spring-picked Nepalese tea was very delicious. The scones are crunchy and small, so you can easily eat them. If you want to be healed in a quiet and relaxing space, please come here.

  • Ha I

    Ha I


    I happened to discover this shop while looking for a nice cafe. I often see coffee specialty stores, but I thought it was rare to find a tea specialty store, so I decided to visit. The outside of the store is very cute and looks like an overseas garden. The inside of the store was made of wood and had classical music playing on the piano, making it a very quiet and relaxing space. There are a wide variety of teas on the menu. The food selection is bold, with only chiffon cakes and scones, but there is a wide variety of flavors available. This time I tried cinnamon flavored scones. A waiter brought us warm scones and milk tea and said, ``Please tear them apart and eat them while they're still warm☺️.'' I've eaten cold and dry scones several times, but when you warm them up, they become soft and delicious. The gentle sweetness of the cream on the plate was perfect for the scones, and the berry jam was also delicious. I also ordered milk tea, but the staff poured the first cup for me, and the second cup was so generous that I could enjoy it myself. Anyway, the inside of the store is quiet, so it might be a little difficult to spend time talking with people with children or friends. However, these days, everywhere I go, it's all the same chain restaurants and it's no longer interesting, so I personally really liked the uniqueness of the menu, the atmosphere, and the quiet staff. The store has been open for 14 years, and you can instantly tell that it has been loved by the locals. I want to go there slowly from now on.

  • Avila Yukie

    Avila Yukie


    I ordered a cookie or scone and tea set (730 yen) I ordered a plain scone and masala milk tea. The scones were warm, crispy around the edges, and soft and fluffy on the inside.I was impressed by how delicious the scones were! It was different from the dry, hard scones I've had before. All of them were delicious, but personally, I liked these plain scones the best! My husband's caramel cookie was crunchy and a little harder than a scone, but it was delicious! The chocolate cookie I ordered (400 yen) was softer than caramel, less sweet, slightly bitter, and delicious! The store staff was kind and polite, and the store was clean and had a great atmosphere, so I really liked it! ! I'll come back later! A tea set was also provided on the second visit. Orange chiffon cake, vanilla flavored tea. The vanilla scent was very nice! Chiffon cake tastes like plain. I additionally ordered a whole grain scone. Served with whipped cream and orange jam. I had a good time this time as well in a nice atmosphere and calm atmosphere.

  • sakura4951229



    This is the shop that taught me how delicious black tea can be. There are many types, all of which are fragrant and delicious. You can see that the scones and chiffon cake are also very delicious and carefully made. The chiffon cake in particular is so fluffy that it makes a sizzling sound when you insert a fork into it. The cups and plates are also very nice. In addition, the atmosphere inside the store, the customer service, and the garden are all wonderful, and time flows differently here. Perfect for when you want to relax and be healed.

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