Coop Nagano Nagano Inasato en Nagano

JapónCoop Nagano Nagano Inasato



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3-chōme-38-38-1 Inasatomachi Chūō, Nagano, 381-2217, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 26-283-4455
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6040093, Longitude: 138.162906

comentarios 5

  • real akiko

    real akiko


    The selection wasn't bad, but they seemed to close early for three days, so I arrived 10 minutes early, and even though it was only 5 minutes early, the employees were quickly closing the transparent covers on the refrigerated shelves. I hurriedly went to pick up the item I wanted to buy, but the shelf next to me was swiped! I closed it and left. How about at least closing it after the Firefly Hikari is flowing? It felt bad.

  • 御留久莉奈士斗(正宗)



    The co-op has cheap products that are friendly to workers. Therefore, the feeling that amateurs gather in stores is widespread, and the number of users seems to be decreasing. Might be popular with older people However, other stores would not allow delivery vehicles to be parked at the entrance, no matter how much they replace the vending machines. It's a good store, please fix some things and do your best.

  • A mM

    A mM


    There is a large parking lot, but it is full of families on weekends. There are many parents with small children, so I think it would be a good idea to be considerate. The vegetables in the corner lined with vegetables from local producers are small quantities of other varieties, and although they are not as uniform as standard vegetables from large production areas, they have a strong flavor and are not overly stressed, so they last for a long time. I feel like it's good. The side dishes are not overly seasoned and are a little safer than those available at convenience stores. Personally, the most appealing thing about me is the staff, who are not good at customer service, but rather than being efficient, they look at each customer's face and greet them, and they remember conversations from a while ago. It may be annoying, but I like it because it's not mechanical.

  • M sS

    M sS


    This is a physical store where you can purchase Co-op original products. The aisles may be a little narrow as you have to be careful when passing each other. Semi-self-checkout has been introduced. By purchasing eligible products, you will receive a ◯○ yen discount coupon that can be used on the next purchase of the same product. They have a great selection of farm-fresh vegetables, so it's fun just looking at them. I don't see much frozen domestically produced meat anywhere else, but I like it and buy it because it's easy to use. After all, it's not particularly cheap, but the biggest appeal for me is being able to choose from safe quality products.

  • のら猫Stray cat

    のら猫Stray cat


    The selection is about the same as other stores in the area, and the prices are about the same as Seiyu. There was a wide variety of side dishes, both cheap and high-quality rice balls. The store clerk was shouting out to everyone, ``Welcome to the store.'' Credit cards accepted.

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