Cook Mart i Toyohashi

JapanCook Mart



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Japan, 〒441-8083 Aichi, Toyohashi, Higashiwaki, 3-chōme−13−3
kontakter telefon: +81 532-35-7700
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7533217, Longitude: 137.3687202

kommentar 5

  • 秋坊主



    This side dish bread is a treat♪ Both seasoning and volume are the best😋 Lunch boxes, side dishes, meat, fish, vegetables. It's such a good store that I would stock up if I was local. ...But this side dish bread is really delicious (lol).

  • 蓮華子



    Side dishes are popular. The prices are reasonable, and even though it's small, they have everything you want. Best of all, the cashier opens quickly, and it's smooth and helpful. There is a toilet and an ATM (Sehun Bank) on the exit side. Personally, I recommend the frozen food "Saburo Gyoza" which is exquisite. This is a product that is hard to find at other stores. However, the aisles are too narrow for the large number of customers visiting the store, making it difficult to pass through.

  • アリス



    The two of us visited for the first time on Sunday, March 5, 2023, around 4pm. The U.I. store that I always go to will be closed from March 22nd (Wednesday) to April 27th (Thursday) for renovations, so I'm starting to feel like I'll be a shopping refugee soon. , I visited this store and went shopping. The parking lot was large. There were many customers and it was lively. What I felt was slightly different from the U.I. store was the side dish corner and bread corner. I have never seen Umejako Inarizushi or bagel sandwiches at UAI store. However, I think the U.I. store has a better variety and quantity of side dishes and bread. Meat and vegetables are about the same, which you can expect. With this, you won't have to become a shopping refugee. P.S. Visited on Tuesday, May 9, 2023, around 7:40 p.m. I sometimes use the renovated U.I. store because I sometimes find items that are sold out here. P.S. Visited on Thursday, May 11, 2023, around 7:30 p.m. Carnations were cheap. I had just bought carnations at Karma, but the purple carnations were so beautiful that I ended up buying some more. postscript Visited on Saturday, July 29, 2023, around 3:00 p.m. The day after tomorrow was the day of the ox, and there were a lot of eels. It was my first time to see Mikkabi Mikan Pirene. Postscript: The two of us visited on Sunday, August 6, 2023, around 2:30 p.m. This was my first time seeing Shine Muscat cream puffs. Grape sweets are delicious, and I was just impressed by the Kyoho grape tart at the cake shop yesterday, so I bought one. P.S. Visited on Sunday, January 7, 2024, around 3:00 pm. Setsubun sweets were already lined up. Postscript: Monday, January 8, 2024 (holiday) I was impressed by the deliciousness and cuteness of Lotte's Ghana Ripple that I purchased yesterday. P.S. Visited on Saturday, January 27, 2024, around 5:00 pm. My husband told me that he wanted to have some vanilla ice cream after dinner, so I looked around and found out that Haagen-Dazs was on sale, and it was only 1 yen more expensive than Kanesue, at 238 yen, so I bought it. I chose Haagen-Dazs because I was reminded that it was ice cream, not lacto ice cream, but I also bought MOW 108 yen since it was ice cream, not lacto ice cream.

  • Thomas Koenig

    Thomas Koenig


    Ok i guess. Kind of rude

  • Traveler



    Little bit costly but available good product.

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