Comfort w Fukuyama




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-3-4 Irifunechō, Fukuyama, Hiroshima 720-0801, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 84-983-0544
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 34.4884658, Longitude: 133.3730738

komentarze 5

  • ほんだ



    It's a shop I used to go to 29 years ago, and I visited it for the first time in about 20 years 😊 The exterior looks like it has been renovated and is now beautiful, and the menu has changed a bit, but the curry was still delicious! In the past, they used to serve small ice creams after meals and they were delicious, but those are no longer available😣 It was a shame that I couldn't get my iced coffee after the meal because it was busy in the afternoon, but the curry was delicious, so I'd like to go again 😊

  • さやか小池



    I had a hamburger curry. This combination was a great choice! First of all, the curry is really delicious. Although it's rich, it doesn't weigh on your stomach at all, perhaps because it's gluten-free. I think it's a taste that can only be eaten here. The most popular hamburger steak is also fluffy and delicious. It also went well with curry. The vegetable soup that was casually served was also very delicious! The tables are spacious and the other menu items all look delicious. I thought I would like to come again (^-^)

  • x x

    x x


    If you arrive before 2pm, you will receive a mini drink. I'm a little happy. The omelet curry had white rice inside. The waffles are crispy and soft inside. I want to eat it again.

  • yes_hero word

    yes_hero word


    I ate here on two days when I was on a business trip to Fukuyama City. The atmosphere inside the store is also ideal. On the first day, I had a pizza toast set with lots of melty cheese on thick bread and it was really delicious! I thought I had found a good restaurant, and tomorrow I decided to try the waffle, which has a wide variety of toppings on the grand menu, and the next day I went. I also went... I had really high expectations due to yesterday's pizza toast, but maybe it was just a coincidence on this day, but what came out was a hard waffle that wasn't warm... It was clearly not freshly baked. did. Butter will solidify forever without melting... It was a toned down morning. . Pizza toast was delicious. Coffee was also delicious It's not hot coffee. The salad with carrot dressing was also delicious! I'm going to eat pizza toast again!

  • K Y

    K Y


    I went on a Sunday morning around 9am. I think the store is operated by about two staff members. There are a lot of customers, so if the timing is bad, you might have to wait a long time. I waited for about 5 minutes and was guided. I was a family of three (one a junior high school girl), and the table seats felt a little cramped for four adults. I ordered two open sandwich mornings and a waffle morning. The bread was thick and the salad dressing was delicious. My daughter, who always eats little, had a waffle breakfast, and she ate it all without leaving anything behind. I felt it was worth the price. It was great to be able to choose drinks. Other coffee shops only have coffee in the morning, so I don't think kids will drink coffee. I want to try a different breakfast next time.

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