Coffee Gannen Nakagawa en Nagoya

JapónCoffee Gannen Nakagawa



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5-chōme-8 Hirokawachō, Nakagawa Ward, Nagoya, Aichi 454-0027, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 52-361-1118
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1486524, Longitude: 136.8776738

comentarios 5

  • 湖と家



    This is NAGOYA JP The coffee was very delicious. It's an original blend. Also, there was a service where you could enjoy coffee from different regions such as Brazil, Peru, and Colombia without having to blend it. I found this while looking at the menu, and I'd like to order this next time. There is also a page called "Monthly Coffee", where you can enjoy it as this month's coffee. I guess Brazil and Peru are always there. By the way, this month it's Costa Rica. With this service, it seems that you can choose another type of brewing method besides drip. I don't know much about it, so I didn't know much about how to brew it. They have morning service until 1pm, and for an additional 500 yen on top of your drink, you can eat a burger or something. I ordered a fish burger. It was delicious. Tsure ordered an egg sandwich. The tamagoyaki was thick and warm. She wants a menu of food that will fill her up, like Komeda. It was nice to be able to see the Nakagawa Canal and see the company operating it across the canal. What is the name of the child sipping coffee in the Fuji Coffee logo? The store was clean and nice.

  • 愛言葉



    It's open until 10pm, so you can also use the cafe at night. There are several groups of customers even just before closing on weekdays. The sweets made with seasonal fruits are delicious and I come here often. The location is good, with views of the Nakagawa Canal, the towering Sasashima Island on one side, and the Meieki Buildings. There are sofa seats, but they are hard and uncomfortable.

  • Erica Yassuda

    Erica Yassuda


    Morning service is till 13:00 Very affordable, amazing staffs and delicious food.

  • Zarah Keizea

    Zarah Keizea


    very relax.

  • Attikha Manizz

    Attikha Manizz


    Delicious lunch coffee

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