
🕗 åbningstider

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Japan, 〒755-0091 Yamaguchi, Ube, Kamiube, 黒岩75
kontakter telefon: +81 836-33-6116
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.9658599, Longitude: 131.2866283

kommentar 5

  • Thomas Ringwold

    Thomas Ringwold


    It’s an older establishment, but it is still nice for the price. We did a package deal with 2 days of golf for 30,000 yen. Great hospitality!! Also there is a slide and many recreational items to do.

  • Max Maier

    Max Maier


    It is great for large celebrations

  • しょう




  • Timothy Takemoto

    Timothy Takemoto


    Pool for Young Fun We have only used the pool and sliders (open July 14th to September 2nd) and adjacent cafe a couple of times. It is only for families and children, because it is too crowded to swim in the 25 metre pool. The sliders are fun but there are long queues so you may spend a lot of time standing in the baking sun. Rash guards (swimming shirts) are allowed and recommended. We prefer the similar facility in Kudamatsu (Kudamatsu Health Park) which has a wave machine and a flowing circular pool in addition to less crowded sliders, but it is more than one hour drive from Ube City. The service in Cocoland hotel is a bit brusque according to other reviewers but that is by Japanese standards, so it is probably divine! I look forward to trying Cocoland's hot spa when I stay at the nearby free camp-site (Tokiwakohankita Camping Ground) which is less than 1km away as the crow flies, but perhaps 1.5km to walk.

  • Tadashi Momoi

    Tadashi Momoi



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