CoCo Ichiban’ya Bisai Kiamei in Ichinomiya

JapanCoCo Ichiban’ya Bisai Kiamei



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Gōhigashi-32-1 Kaimei, Ichinomiya, Aichi 494-0001, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 586-44-8118
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.3158504, Longitude: 136.7719121

kommentare 5

  • 新美秀典



    The limited time menu is spicy and delicious.

  • Y I

    Y I


    It's been a while since I last bothered you. This was my first visit since the price went up. The cost performance was too bad.




    Crispy chicken curry after a long time 🍛 I ate it, but the chicken wasn't as crispy as before, it was just like fried chicken.

  • 国島二朗



    I used to go to the Okumachi branch, but since they moved, I've been going to the Coco Kaimei branch, but even if they raise the price, the ramen is still bad🍜It's more satisfying than eating gyoza! Before, you could get ramen and gyoza for less than 1,000 yen at a ramen shop, and it was satisfying, but in the current era of 1,500 yen, Cocoichi is the best! Personally, I think 😊, by the way, my choice is 300g of roast cutlet curry, 2 squid salads, and 2 rakkyo. I like the Coco Kaimei store because it is relaxing.

  • ましょまろん



    It seems like I can still eat curry even if I don't have an appetite due to the summer fatigue. It's been a while since I last visited Cocoichi, but I ordered the limited time chicken and summer vegetable curry for 991 yen including tax and 31 yen including rakkyo tax. I'm glad I was able to get it under 1000 yen. No matter when or where I ate it, it was always consistent and delicious. Thanks to you, my summer fatigue has subsided and my appetite has increased. I would like to use it again when I feel sick and have no appetite, but I hope they don't raise the price again at that time.

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