CoCo Ichibanya in Sanjo

JapanCoCo Ichibanya



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-2 Sugoro, Sanjo, Niigata 955-0092, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 256-33-9103
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.6492241, Longitude: 138.9416407

kommentare 5

  • Miyajima Yoichi

    Miyajima Yoichi


    Excellent for handy curry rice lunch

  • m



    It is located right near the intersection of the Sanjo Tsubame Inter entrance, and the parking lot is easy to enter and park. Since it was around 1:00 PM on a Sunday, most of the seats in the restaurant were occupied, but the cleanup was smooth and we were guided right away. I ordered crispy chicken curry with medium spiciness, 200g of rice, and half vegetable topping. Even if the spiciness is normal, it has just the right amount of spiciness, so it's just right for you to enjoy it. I also appreciate that you can choose the amount of rice! (Basic amount is 300g) I always end up ordering the chicken curry, but the local menu, such as curry ramen and tare cutlet curry, looked delicious.

  • Erin Fields

    Erin Fields


    Good standard curry with customizable options. The drive thru option is especially nice given the current situation. It was fast and the service was friendly.

  • Brick Harris

    Brick Harris


    I am now hooked on Japanese curry!!

  • HennyP AnalogDeluxe

    HennyP AnalogDeluxe


    I was given a meat curry instead of the vegetarian curry that I ordered. Food ethics aside, I that it is very important that trust exists between a restaurant and its customers, and this restaurant broke that trust.

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