Citadines Central Shinjuku Tokyo w Shinjuku City

JaponiaCitadines Central Shinjuku Tokyo



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
1-chōme-2-9 Kabukichō, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 160-0021, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3200-0220
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6944422, Longitude: 139.7043425

komentarze 5

  • Firuza Bayramova

    Firuza Bayramova


    We spent first 3 night in Tokyo in this hotel. The Shinjuku location was amazing! The hotel is surrounded by endless number of restaurants, bars, shops, all kind of activities one would think about. The stuff was limited in English but they were making an effort. The breakfast was also nice, simple but enough and tasty. In the lobby was a coffee machine for the clients- nice gesture.

  • V P

    V P


    Front desk spoke English pretty well. Free coffee. Rooms are a bit on the smaller side. Bed is tucked in the corner. Carpet also needs to be replaced.

  • Karen Karen

    Karen Karen


    I booked one night on May 3rd through expedia with a room type of Studio Double. Everything went well and I was given a room. Nobody mentioned at all that I got an upgrade into executive studio double which I had no idea about. I was happy with my room and decided to extend my stay for another 4 nights. Since I wanted to stay in the same room, I carefully chose the same room type that I booked originally. Well, guess what! When I went to the front desk to extend my stay, I was told that I had to change my room as the new reservation did not match my original room type. Excuse me, I booked exactly the same room type. After I showed my both reservations to the front desk woman, she suddenly mentioned that I got an upgrade for the first reservation. How could I know that when nobody told me when I checked in for the first night. The woman that was receiving me was rude, unapologetic, and kept accusing me of messing up. What the heck this is. You messed up first and then accuse me for everything and her attitude was nasty and made me feel trapped. When I asked for the free cancellation for my second reservation since it was non refundable and now the hotel could not have me stay in the same room. She refused and asked me to book another new reservation for executive room double before she could cancel my reservation. Then I had to call expedia for about one hour to get this issue resolved. What a pain for the whole process. If she was apologetic and explaining in good faith, i would not feel so bothered and angered. I had stayed in this hotel three times already in the past and this new experience ruined my whole opinion on this property. The staff needs to be better trained to listen to customer, respectful, and not be eager to accuse an honest customer of taking advantage of the mistake made by the hotel first.

  • Sneha Bhandari

    Sneha Bhandari


    The room just ends before it even starts. The bed is too small to fit 2 people. For the price they charge the room was way too small. But I guess that's the issue with almost all properties in Tokyo as there is limited space. The breakfast was average, not a spread expected from a 3 to 4 star hotel. The only good part of the hotel is the location. Located walking from Shinjuku station and also in the heart of the party district of Tokyo.

  • sakura group

    sakura group


    Nice cosy hotel bang right in the middle of Shinjuku nightlife. Pretty happening with countless restaurants, bars and clubs. Also close to train and metro stations for excellent connectivity around and out of Tokyo. Hotel rooms are reasonably sized. However furniture are quite old and carpets are pretty dusty. However for price we paid, it is still very good value for money. .

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