春ウイメンズクリニック i Natori




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Japan, 〒981-1221 Miyagi, Natori, 田高南Minami−27−1
kontakter telefon: +81 22-302-3188
internet side: www.haru-wc.jp
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Latitude: 38.1826684, Longitude: 140.8758802

kommentar 5

  • レビュおば



    Prenatal checkups are neither good nor bad. A nurse? A midwife? I don't really understand, but I had the impression that the person who first listened to me was harsh. If you give birth at home, I'll give you a maternity record book case.I guess I didn't get a good feeling from the conversation from above (I don't know if they still offer this service). I personally like the teacher because he is so cool. I think the doctor is also good at internal examinations. When I went to a different hospital for a pelvic exam, I was surprised by the severe pain. We also take care of you during your cervical cancer screening. There is less pain and discomfort. However, I guess they are not very positive about ovulation pain and pill prescriptions. Well, I guess that's because I'm an obstetrician and gynecologist. When I went to see a doctor because I was suffering from ovulation pain that was so painful that I couldn't even stand up, I was told that ovulation is painful. .

  • mo to

    mo to


    I continued to receive medical treatment until I returned home, but I was surprised to find that the treatment time was so short compared to the hospital I had returned to. Even if you have to wait, the examination time is short, so it may be suitable for those who like that.

  • ちーかま



    I had been experiencing irregular bleeding for over two weeks and was worried, so I visited this clinic. I visited three gynecologists, but couldn't find a solution, so I came here. Reservations were made smoothly online. The nurse's interview was also thorough. However, the doctor's response is the worst. This is something that often happens, and he says things like, ``I'm young, so I should take a look at how things are going,'' and he says things that don't seem to take into account my feelings of anxiety. After all, if you end up gaining 3 kilos when you leave the room after your doctor's appointment, you won't be able to take the pill, so why not think about it? They said. I was hurt because they didn't give me a satisfactory diagnosis and only talked about my body shape. He is a doctor who criticizes my body shape with a calm face. I will never visit here again.

  • ぺい



    The other day, I gave birth to my second child at this hospital. I decided on this hospital after reading the reviews. He has been taking care of me since my early days, and even when I was hospitalized due to morning sickness. Since it is a private hospital, you will be asked a simple question at the reservation stage to see if you can be accepted, but even if you have been hospitalized for morning sickness, if your BMI is not too high and the risk of childbirth is not too high, they will accept you. Masu. The facilities are very well-equipped and clean, and the doctors and midwives are kind and polite. Above all, the meals I had every day changed daily and were so luxurious and delicious, and my stay in the hospital was so comfortable that I hated leaving the hospital. Freestyle childbirth, which was my first time, was more relaxing than I expected, and it was a very comfortable birth for me mentally. Although I can no longer afford it due to my age, I would choose this hospital again and would confidently recommend it to my friends.

  • まめ



    I gave birth at this clinic in August. The teacher may be busy, but he will answer your questions until you are completely satisfied. It was very helpful for me to be able to administer medicine appropriately. It was a long labor, but the midwife was by my side from morning until evening, rubbing my lower back and calling out to me. I was worried about breastfeeding, but thanks to the kangaroo care immediately after giving birth and the midwife's guidance, I was able to breastfeed without any difficulty. Don’t midwives just want to have fun? There was a post saying, but that's not the case. Even when my baby fell asleep because I couldn't get used to feeding him every two hours, the staff came to check on me, stayed by my side, and helped me 24 hours a day. I will definitely come here even if I have a second child. I am having fun raising children! thank you!

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