Chukamen Sanpotei Kamegaiten w Niigata

JaponiaChukamen Sanpotei Kamegaiten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1401 Kamegai, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-2033, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-211-0363
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 37.8666977, Longitude: 138.9856893

komentarze 5

  • 刈éƒØęø¬č© 



    I received the ā€œSanpo Setā€šŸ˜‹ The fried rice was deliciousšŸ„„ The dried sardine soy sauce ramen was simple and good šŸ˜Œ It was deliciousšŸ™

  • Manbou UMINO

    Manbou UMINO


    This is a Chinese family restaurant in Niigata. There are many types of noodles. It reminds me of when I want to eat hot and sour noodles.

  • ć¾ć“ć‚Šć‚“



    I went to try the miso 󠄀 ramen, but I was drawn to the many reviews that said the fried rice was especially delicious, so I ordered fried rice and gyoza. Even within the same Sanpo group, fried rice varies in taste depending on the manufacturer. The fried rice at Sanbo-tei here has a very average taste. It's hard to say it's "specially delicious" according to the reviews. If this is the case, Kurosaki main store's paiko fried rice is better than two pieces (personal impression) The gyoza is relatively large and has a strong garlic flavor, making it very satisfying to eat. The taste is also so-so. The only disappointing thing is that the sauce on the gyoza is not good. The sauce itself has a weak taste, and the chili oil is not spicy at all, and it is refreshing even when drizzled with it. I wanted more punch.

  • ć‚³ćƒ¼ćƒ’ćƒ¼ć‚æ悤惠



    I came by myself after 1 o'clock, but there was a group of customers ahead of me, so I had to wait about 5 minutes to enter! This major ramen shop is naturally delicious! Therefore, I think the service provided by the staff is the standard for satisfaction! As usual, after placing my order, I also ordered an apron, but it didn't arrive, so I just received it! I was asked, ā€œDo you have the same order!?ā€, but I was too embarrassed to say that I didnā€™t have an apron ā—šŸ’¦ It was the same staff member until the last checkout, but he didn't seem to remember anything, so I gave him one star for the service. By the way, the staff's name is printed on the slip in the photo, so if you are interested, please take a look.

  • 恟恄



    It's a stable taste I entered the store at 7:30pm on a Saturday and waited for 5 minutes before being shown to my seat. I received Sunratan, Gomoku Umami, green onion spicy miso, and fried rice. All are good!

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